lordkillgore's mod apply!
Age: 13
Timezone: est
How Long Have You Played On MCP? 3 years now im sure
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? iv bin muted but not banned iv bin kicked 2
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long, kicked 2 times cause someone told me to click i sign over and over and got kicked never bin banned and muted cause i was useing caps
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? cause iv bin on this server for along time and never had mod or guard or warden so id like to be a big help to the server! ill be on to help alot and make sure no one is being rude to other players and keep everyone under control and help the C-blockers to keep them from getting banned from not knowing the rules.
Additional Information:
thanks for reading!  ;D


kill for the win

Messages In This Thread
lordkillgore's mod apply! - by killgore9000 - May 11th, 2014, 06:52 PM
Re: lordkillgore's mod apply! - by ShadowHunterDaPro - May 12th, 2014, 04:05 PM
Re: lordkillgore's mod apply! - by Superispike - May 12th, 2014, 04:24 PM
Re: lordkillgore's mod apply! - by LaughNgamez - May 12th, 2014, 09:29 PM

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