Clan Recruiting!
So this is for any of you Clash Of Clans players out there who are interested in joining our new clan. We are trying to recruit more players from MCP and make it a mostly-MCP-clan.

Clan Name: Lost Legends
Clan Description (Not as shown in game): Welcome To Lost Legends! 50 for Elder, Co Leader is earned. Donate troops when you can, and make sure you only donate what is asked for. Must be active, and loyal to the clan. Please keep your donations high, and close to the amount of donations you recieve, and if you are new, we prefer that you donate a bit before recieving troops, so that we know that you are loyal to the clan.
Clan Symbol: Red with flame
Invite Only, must request to join
Required Trophies: 800

Currently we only have 9 members, but we are growing.

There will only be six Co-Leaders in the clan, and only eight Elders. So if you want a high rank, you have to join soon before all the spots are taken. However our rank system may change in the future.

If you play Clash of clans, please consider joining our new clan. We have a lot of good players and are growing to be a great clan.

Messages In This Thread
Clan Recruiting! - by ShadowHunterDaPro - Apr 30th, 2014, 05:51 PM
Re: Clan Recruiting! - by BluudBath - Apr 30th, 2014, 10:31 PM
Re: Clan Recruiting! - by ShadowHunterDaPro - May 1st, 2014, 03:51 PM

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