DarkBlade61102's Guard Application
What is your IGN?: My IGN Is DarkBlade61102
When can you play on MCP?: I Can Usually Play MPC Everyday. If Not I Might Be Doing Some Thing Like Watching The Latest Movie Or I Have To Do Some School Work From 6:27-10:12                      What is your timezone?: The Eastern Time Zone.
What is your rank on the server?: My Rank Is Free.
Do you have any experience with other prison servers?:Yes I Have, I've Been On Several In Fact; LichCraft, OmegaRealm, Minetime, And LockedCraft.
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank.: I Haven't Been Guard On Any Other Server But I Wish In The Future.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room?:Yes I Have. By The Way, I Like The Picture Of The Prison In The Info Lobby.
Why should we pick you to be out next guard?: You Should Pick Me To Be The Next Guard Because I Really Would Like To Help Defend Other Players That Are Not Guards (Rank C Or Higher) That Are Getting Attacked And I Love This Server A lot. Plus I've Always Dreamed To Be A Guard On This Server.


[Image: qjdmazp.gif]
  Me when i see MrMind's dad.

Messages In This Thread
DarkBlade61102's Guard Application - by DarkBlade61102 - Mar 4th, 2014, 07:48 PM
Re: DarkBlade61102's Guard Application - by summonhalo - Mar 4th, 2014, 08:21 PM

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