Guard Application
What is your IGN? GOW1n
When can you play on MCP? I can play on weekdays: 4:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.Weekends: ALL DAY LONG!!!
What is your timezone? Eastern Standard Time.
What is your rank on the server? Baron
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes, a bunch such as killion,techg3eks I think thats the server even and more...
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. Yes, I was on this server but I got demoted for /rankup and I will never do it again and I know not to do it.
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes, Always do!

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me for your next C-Guard because I will do a  very good job at it, I have some experience in this business. I will do my best to protect prisoners no matter if they are C,B,A,E,Free,Citizen or Baron. Also, I will do my best to follow the rules and not mess up again (I WIIL MAKE SURE I WILL NOT DO /RANKUP!). I am pretty decent at PvP so I wont PvP abuse and will do better than not all of them but some of the guards at protecting the prison. I am calm so I will not go ballistic if I die. I play everyday so I will be a very active guard. I respect all the staff, and will ask them if I don't know something to make sure I follow all the rules. I will not let the other guards die I will protect all prisoners. If I ever make it to A-Guard I will make sure I /mute /tempban /kick the people who don't follow the rules. Thank you for reading my Guard app and I hope it made you at least think about accepting. Thank you for reading and thank you for your time!

Messages In This Thread
Guard Application - by IAmGOW1n - Jan 19th, 2014, 07:23 AM
Re: Guard Application - by GeoDope - Jan 19th, 2014, 09:09 AM
Re: Guard Application - by astralaether9 - Jan 19th, 2014, 10:45 AM

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