Sub-Forum Rules [Read Me Before Posting]
Off Topic Rules

Welcome to the Off Topic sub-forum! We ask that you follow a few rules before posting here.

1. Do not spam.
2. Do not post any porn or any other inappropriate content. A good rule of thumb is: if you wouldn't show it to your mother, we don't want to see it either.
3. Do not advertise, be it a website or a server.
4. You would put any forum games here, but try to keep them from getting spammy. A forum game where a one-word post is encouraged shouldn't really be here.
5. Keep the inappropriate language off the forum--the odd "bad word" is fine, but excessive cursing will not be tolerated.
6. Do not talk about any other servers.

Following to adhere to any of these rules could result in a ban from the server and from the forums.

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Sub-Forum Rules [Read Me Before Posting] - by Admin - Jan 3rd, 2014, 02:35 AM

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