Asidy's Moderator Application (New and Improved)
IGN: Asidy

Age (as of now): 18

Timezone: Eastern (ET)

How Long Have You Played On MCP? - Over a month, less than two

Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked?

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? - I was muted once for caps for 5 minutes, and once for saying "Wb Movie" to the wrong person. Wink

What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) - As of writing this my playtime is 209.8 hours.

When can you play on MCP? - Basically everyday. During college, any day that doesn't need to be dedicated to something else.

What is your rank on the server? - Baron.

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? - Both in life and on MC, I enjoy helping people. I feel the moderator position would both increase my ability to help people, and the willingness for people to ask me for help. Making the server a better and less toxic environment for both new and long lasting players a like has been my goal for awhile now, and i'm hoping that even if I do not get this position that I can still make a difference in the community. Recently I've seen that during a lot of times where mods aren't online, I still try and tell people to not spam all caps, or other sorts of things to just try and do my part. I try to be a good person on the server, especially to those who are younger who are just trying to have a good time on a fresh server, without all the gross over powered PVP.

Additional Information: I understand that my lack of a long term commitment may sway your opinion, but I can assure you that since college is starting, I'll be on just as much because Minecraft is basically the only game my shitty laptop can run Big Grin. Hope to hear criticism in the comments. Thanks for reading, and don't forget, Tiss but a scratch.

For anyone who takes the time to leave me a comment & constructive criticism, thank you! Changes have been made to my App. Thank you for reading!

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Asidy's Moderator Application (New and Improved) - by _Asidy - Aug 25th, 2018, 10:17 PM

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