MCP Alert - Staff Introduction, Guard Debates, Economy Growth, and More!
While this news alert does usually provide some good content and humour I feel like you have a duty to filter out certain things that might cause offence. Calling the females whores and a player a paedophile is certainly some of those that should of not been posted and as you posted this expect any backlash to be fully aimed towards you any writers that took part in this.

This server is generally a very safe place for players of all ages apart from a little toxicity now and again. The last part of this article has taken it way too far and I'm almost certain that all the girls/women you have called whores are going to be fuming at this as are all the friends of these people (myself included). To call them that for having some fun, freedom and relaxed conversations on a game is outright hurtful and spiteful and I can only assume whoever wrote this is jealous by the fact they interact with the community as a whole and are mostly liked by all.

If you or the "writer" of this article have problems with how people act or what they say then have some balls and approach them and have a discussion about it. Don't hide behind a post and be anonymous, I'm sure people could have plenty to say about you that you might not like to hear.

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Re: MCP Alert - Staff Introduction, Guard Debates, Economy Growth, and More! - by omega015 - Dec 3rd, 2017, 10:43 AM

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