The Escape Rope! Idea for Mae's donor Item
1. Is your idea logical? I believe it is.
2. Could it be done easily? It wouldn't be any harder than making any other donor item.
3. Has something like it been done before? I am not aware of any item that currently does what I'm about to explain.
4. Has this idea been suggested before? Not that I'm aware of.

The idea I have is an escape rope which is inspired by the the Pokemon franchise. One would use this lead to get out of bleak situations such as pvp, player vs mob or just falling in lava or the void (if you manage that).

There are a couple of different ways I think this idea can be implemented.

1.  The item passively works as long as you have it in your hand or offhand, and when you reach something like .5 - 2 heart it will teleport you to safety. (heart range is up for change)

2. The item will require you to activate it to work so you may use it whenever you want.

Balancing Item: There will have to be some type of cool down on this item to avoid something that is way to over powered. Maybe every couple of hours to an hour perhaps. Whether or not this item will require certain consumed items to function will be left for Silas to decide.

Another way it could be balanced is just having the item be consumed upon use, that way it cannot be spammed unfairly.

For where it would actually teleport you I was thinking simply making the current /spawn the place it would take you but if you really wanted to you could make it so one of your /sethomes would be the safe destination or even have a command that gives you a custom location as your teleport destination.  All up for Silas to decide.

TLBig GrinR

Item Idea: Escape roap from a Lead

Implementation: Passively works open damage taken vs Upon Activation

Balancing: Consider Item cool down and/or required items or Item consumption.

Teleport location. /spawn or /sethome or /customlocation

~Please give constructive criticism about this item only~

All other inquiries please go make your own topic. 


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]

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The Escape Rope! Idea for Mae's donor Item - by DogTag93 - Oct 15th, 2017, 07:02 AM

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