Asstastick's Guard Application
"No, but through playing for 4 years mostly on factions; i get the gist of it." Factions = Hardcore Prison? But on a more serious note, what is this? One sentence application? No detail, no experience, no emotion, no plan, no care, no heart. These are all the things you're suppose to put in your application. You're not just getting a fancy set of Armor, Guard is for people who want to help the community, it's for people who are responsible, who have priority for others often before themselves. Masterovie would give up mining and making $ to go help a new player get to his mine in combat, and probably end up dying from a riot. Can't say the same about SnipedYall, but there not all winners. The point is guard is privilege as well as a responsibly. You should come back and apply when you realize this isn't a joke, and the fact that this application is so pitiful makes me feel like MCP is filling up with children who don't understand or care how things work. Take a crash course lesson on Logic, Guard Rules, and How To Apply For Guard, then take a 2nd shot. -1

Messages In This Thread
Asstastick's Guard Application - by Asstastick - Apr 22nd, 2017, 07:24 PM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by Coolskate2449 - Apr 22nd, 2017, 07:46 PM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by SnipedYall - Apr 29th, 2017, 07:14 PM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by Mr.Scare - May 1st, 2017, 10:29 AM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by TySun - May 1st, 2017, 07:27 PM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by Coolskate2449 - May 1st, 2017, 09:10 PM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by TySun - May 2nd, 2017, 05:22 AM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by SnipedYall - May 2nd, 2017, 11:12 AM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by TySun - May 2nd, 2017, 03:01 PM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by zs471 - May 2nd, 2017, 04:01 PM
Re: Asstastick's Guard Application - by LaughNgamez - May 4th, 2017, 01:13 AM

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