Acecool12alex's Moderator Application.
Age: 18 years old

Timezone:  Eastern Standard Time (EST)

How Long Have You Played On MCP?: I have played on MCP since around march 8th (10 Days)

Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked?: No, I have not been Banned, Muted, Kicked, etc.

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long?: N/A

What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime): I currently have a playtime of 27.7 Hours and increasing.

When can you play on MCP?: I am able to play on MCP during the week days around 4 PM - 8 PM and depending on personal events on the weekend, around 4-6 hours.

What is your rank on the server?: I am Currently at Citizen rank, striving for Baron.

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator?: You should consider choosing me for the position of moderator because I have a level headed nature when it comes to dealing with non-cooperative players and do not easily get irritated. I also have previous experiences as a Moderator on a multitude of other servers, meaning that I understand what the position is composed of and what is expected of me as a staff member. I enjoy helping others and guiding them to having a fun and enjoyable experience on the server, even though I am on the server quite often and stay quiet. I have frequent activity on TeamSpeak and am willing to verbally speak with anyone on there. I have stated and warned people to stop being insubordinate to the rules of the server, even though I understand that I am unable to do much at my current position. If I were to be in this position of Moderator, I would be quite strict with certain rules and would not give further warning than required. I do not get easily offended, nor do I try to offend others. This position would be beneficial for me because I would then have the proper authority to "clean up" the rude and inconsiderate people of the server and make the server a more enjoyable community. I also do not put my feelings towards player(s) before the duty of my position, meaning that if someone believes that they may be rude or offensive because they may be on my "good side", they will be proven wrong as I do not tolerate any form of offensive or rude behavior. I will stand up for other staff members, even if I may not be on good terms with them because they are still, in a sense, my coworkers and deserve as much respect and kindness as I myself may have.

Additional Information: I will not be triggered or offended by others words or actions.

If you have taken the time to read and review my application, I thank you very sincerely and hope you have a good day.


Stay Frosty out there!
Get your playtime up. You have also only been on the server for 10 days so when that turns into like 2 months i would re-apply. But on the rest of the app +1


[Image: XldgxAq.png]
You Needed JimmyDragonJr. Now you have got him.. XD
[Image: M2oq2bs.png]
Very cool and respectful dude, I would love to see him as mod (Even though I am trying to fit that spot), very nice and caring person. +1


[Image: 06RpXAX.png]
[Image: 59Quth5.png]
[Image: dOpSRFk.png]
Mods need to at least have about 1/2 months of plating on MCP. The mod roles is very important in MCP
You haven't been on MCP much but you are fairly active and are usually on TS most of the time I'm on. Adding on to what I first said try to play maybe 1/2 a month more and then reapply. This would show whether or not you are going to stay on the server as well as increase y our playtime. ±1


Oldest lasting player that isn't a staff member currently
+1 nice app good luck


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