Complaint for PolarDog
So recently on my couple days on the server I have found out Polardog (The A-Guard) Is being slightly abusive to me more and more and it seems that many other people do not like his ways either. (Ask multiple people they will say yes) So he calls my sword when I hit someone and he dosen't even see it. Also another big thing he did was when I aparrently hit Raven the guard with pocket sand. I did have pumpkin seeds but no pocket sand. They insisted I did it so I got another 5 min jail. This is bull. PolarDog I feel is abusing his powers and other people think that too. I hope you have taken the time to read this and hopefully demote PolarDog. Thank you

#1 you posted this in the wrong topic so I had to move it
#2 you need to embed your images
#3 that could still be pocket sand as you don't show its name or you could have had pocket sand and pumpkin seeds


Also like most guards we use sneak tactics like walking in F5 to catch that kind of thing.


[Image: xOQgMsI.png]
Sorry about not having images and stuff off and sorry for putting it in the wrong thread. But I guess I can't do anything  FeelsBadMan.jpeg

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