iiCourtneyii's Moderator Application
Age: 16, 17 in March.

Timezone: GMT (UK)

How Long Have You Played On MCP?
I've not played here long, however I am a former Convicted player where I was a member for around 4 years.

Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked?
No, including my time on Convicted.

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long?

Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator?
Being a former Alpha Guard from Convicted has allowed me to develop my knowledge in how to moderate and control players in different situations. I have decided to apply for moderator as that would be my next goal in terms of staff, since I have learnt alot from being Alpha Guard and having that level of responsibility and authority. I have also owned and partially owned servers in the past, while being admin on many, including servers I have helped create and rebuild. Convicted was my biggest learning experience, since I managed to get through the ranks such as Trainee and Guard where I then succeeded in becoming an Alpha Guard.
This server seems to be great, and I would like to contribute my time and effort into developing it further in the future. I am mature, and can deal with situations fairly while using my knowledge of how servers work to aid players along their journey and their time on the server. I have descent knowledge of some plugins such as world edit, which makes my knowledge of how servers work greater. I have much experience with prison genre, alongside factions where they both inter-link with things such as PVP. I decided to apply for this role in opposition of Guard since I feel my knowledge of servers, such as MCP, is greater then what I need for simply guarding and PVP, alongside having more knowledge of how to handle situations fairly. In addition, I am a trustworthy player and person when having the capability to ban and mute players, and do not intend to abuse such advantages in which I would have over the other players. I can be creative, and apply some ideas in which would aid the server to develop further in the future, alongside expanding opportunites which would help the server grow and become more popular.

Additional Information:
I look forward to playing on this server in the future, with old and new players alongside the current and new staff members.


Courtney c:
Great application, but I honestly have never seen you on. If I could see you on a couple times, doing good deeds, I will +1.

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