May 16th, 2014, 02:09 PM
When can you play on MCP? All day on weekends and from 6-9:30 pm on the week days.
What is your timezone? est
What is your rank on the server? citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes but havent gone on them in along time
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. no
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes
Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me as guard because I really wnt to help this server cause iv bin on it for along time now and think i should get guard im good at pvp! and dont abuse it.I promise to be trustworthyand to make the server safe for everyone! i really think i would be a great guard and a nice and not abuse guard for sure and be helpful. i promise to make the server safe.if i was gaurd id be a very good one if i got the chance Guards provide the protection and responsibility of the Prison server. I think I could be better at pvp if I get the chance. I iv abused pvp once or twice but then stoped cause its wrong to abuse it so i want to be a guard to help others not be pvp abused. I have gotten a lot better. I think that If i do get guard you wont regret it.I love Prison servers, especially MCP. i stayed on MCP cause its a awesome server! and I would love to be apart of the community/staff. I should be guard because I don't see guards on a lot and see the people abuse the C-blockers that havent even bin on long.even thou i did abuse i want to make up for it by being guard. having fun and enjoying the server is waht i want others to do but if we dont have good guards then that wont happen. and getting new players on the MCP would be hard if we had guards that are barly on and are not even good at guard its true thou. so i think u should give me a chance at being guard! Thank you for reading! P.s. "Donuts Don't Have Farms "
What is your timezone? est
What is your rank on the server? citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes but havent gone on them in along time
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. no
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes
Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me as guard because I really wnt to help this server cause iv bin on it for along time now and think i should get guard im good at pvp! and dont abuse it.I promise to be trustworthyand to make the server safe for everyone! i really think i would be a great guard and a nice and not abuse guard for sure and be helpful. i promise to make the server safe.if i was gaurd id be a very good one if i got the chance Guards provide the protection and responsibility of the Prison server. I think I could be better at pvp if I get the chance. I iv abused pvp once or twice but then stoped cause its wrong to abuse it so i want to be a guard to help others not be pvp abused. I have gotten a lot better. I think that If i do get guard you wont regret it.I love Prison servers, especially MCP. i stayed on MCP cause its a awesome server! and I would love to be apart of the community/staff. I should be guard because I don't see guards on a lot and see the people abuse the C-blockers that havent even bin on long.even thou i did abuse i want to make up for it by being guard. having fun and enjoying the server is waht i want others to do but if we dont have good guards then that wont happen. and getting new players on the MCP would be hard if we had guards that are barly on and are not even good at guard its true thou. so i think u should give me a chance at being guard! Thank you for reading! P.s. "Donuts Don't Have Farms "

kill for the win