Feb 18th, 2014, 04:59 PM
time zone: 4-8
banned/muted/kicked: one mute (accidentally hit the caps button and didn't realize itÂ
I've played MPC for about 7 months
You should chose me to be the next guard because I think I can help people not be as rude to each other and help people (mainly the new ones) feel conferrable about them staying safe and I've always wanted to be a guard
I love t one helpful in any way.
time zone: 4-8
banned/muted/kicked: one mute (accidentally hit the caps button and didn't realize itÂ

I've played MPC for about 7 months
You should chose me to be the next guard because I think I can help people not be as rude to each other and help people (mainly the new ones) feel conferrable about them staying safe and I've always wanted to be a guard