Mitsuo Wolfblood's Mod Application
Age: 16

Timezone: Central Standard Time

How long have you been playing on MCP?: I would guess around eight to nine months.

Have you ever been: Banned, muted, kicked?: Not that I can remember at recent memory.

If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? Never

Why should we pick you to be our next moderator?: I have been moderator for MCP in the past but was demoted over something rather stupid. In my mind I was if not a close second one of the most active and efficient staff members at the time. In my own eyes, and I am sure people would agree with me, I was one of the better mods during my time as moderator. If I was to be moderator again I would make sure to be an even better mod then I was the first time, and if at all possible one of the better mods that are active, and always doing their job. If I was given a second chance at mod I would be sure to not let the same stupid situation that had caused my demotion the first time, to happen again, making sure everything that could be found offensive is ran by a warden or the owner first before going through with doing it.

Additional info: Yes, I know I was just recently demoted from the moderator position for something stupid. In reality I did not think that people would be completely offended by a simple skin, and the short break from MCP, short being four or five days xD, was because I figured I was acting rather childishly over the situation, now I am not going to lie in an application because it would get me nowhere, there are a few members of MCP that I simply can't stand for the simple fact that I don't like them. If I was given a second chance at being mod I wouldn't abuse my power to pick on the people I don't like for the simple fact that I believe that I didn't abuse the power the first time so why would I do it the next time. I know I did argue with Ferr after my demotion and do things childishly that would also effect me not being chosen to be mod again. But, putting the past behind us, I would only wish that we can leave the past in the past, and look forward to the future of MCP. Yes, I know that the issue and everything else over the skin can not be forgotten, but they can be left in the past like mistakes tend to be left. Well I think that is everything I need/want to say. So thank you for your time in reading this application.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
+ 1, I think Mit was one of, if not the best Mod on MCP and was demoted over a silly thing, he deserves to be a Mod.


yea i agree with crayonz, mit was probably my favorite staff member, and totally deserved a promotion +1, but then he was banned over a skin? it doesn't even say anywhere that that is against the rules, i mean ik it Is a bad skin? but i mean really? cmon? thats not something u should demote for

'Simple skin' dude it's common sense.
+1 he was a great moderator and is on almost all of the time.  I feel as he has been forgiven by everyone and it is time for him to get moderator again


[Image: 46w4L0e.jpg]
Gawd Summon commenting on this old, *cough* Um *cough*, post.



It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.

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