urabm123's guard application
What is your IGN? urabm123

When can you play on MCP? Weekdays: 4:30pm - 10:00pm Weekends: All day long!

What is your timezone? EST

What is your rank on the server? Baron

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes!

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. I was a Head-Guard on the MCP.

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes always do!
Sedimentary torch!

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me to be the next guard because I am very active. My level of enjoyment on this server is very high. I find the MCP very fun with great and nice players. I would like to become guard again because I see some lacking and the rest of the guards are usually are on at night and I can play in the Mornings sometimes. When I play on the MCP, I see many swords that guards didn't catch. Along with many C-Prisoners being killed by the higher ranks with the Guards not looking.  I thought I could be another eye to see the pvp and/or swords that are missed. I also will play the MCP and be killed as many times as possible and will not rage even if a 12v1. The commotion between my brother, GOW1n and the server is not any of my business and that should not stop me from getting guard. I would be honored to take this position. I hope I am chosen next. Thanks!


lol... this app is shorter than the last one, and you just got unbanned.... it might be a while


[Image: 46w4L0e.jpg]
ura, why did you resign in the first place???
(Feb 15th, 2014, 10:21 PM)ShadowHunterDaPro link Wrote: ura, why did you resign in the first place???

Useless post. Read the info room.


[Image: FBItP4u.gif]
umm? ok sparty? well i was just asking him, it wasn't a useless post, and ur making a useless post by saying I'm making useless posts when I'm not making useless posts? please stop hating on other guards
I regret Resigning, because of everything that happened should not stop me from getting guard.


(Feb 15th, 2014, 10:28 PM)ShadowHunterDaPro link Wrote: umm? ok sparty? well i was just asking him, it wasn't a useless post, and ur making a useless post by saying I'm making useless posts when I'm not making useless posts? please stop hating on other guards
but he was informing you of what is a useless post, so you don't make them anymore.  And Sparty is right, all the information is in info room


[Image: 46w4L0e.jpg]
summonhalo, it really isn't in the info room because I wasn't the one who wrote the sign dude.


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