Vinnyv54321's Guard Application
What is your IGN? Vinnyv54321

When can you play on MCP? 3:00 pm to 11:00 pm on weekdays and 1pm to 2am on weekends

What is your timezone? EST

What is your rank on the server? I am A citizen

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes these are my favorite types of servers!

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank. Yes I was a C-Guard on this server, Before the New Years restart(

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yes I have

Why should we pick you to be out next guard? You should pick me to be guard because I have what it takes to be a very good guard. I feel like we need more guards because there are many people that are in god armor that are killing the new people. I feel like the guards that we do have are amazing but don't stay on as long as I would(most of the time  :o).I will listen to all rules, respect all staff and all who play on mcp.Smile Guards should be Respectful, Responsible and should treat there fellow players with great respect, and I can do that. I really love this server and will do what is right for my friendly mcp players.I promise that I will play on this server a lot more if I get the chance of becoming a guard. I hope I get the opportunity to help the people that are on MCP and I will do what I can to make it fun for everyone!

I feel we need more guards because there are more rich people than guards, This need to be fixed because most of the time the people in god armor are always killing the guards. I can prevent this because I am good at pvp and I know how to handle people. I really feel bad for the people who are just trying to play, but then someone kills them for no reason. Its not fair (that could happen to me sometimes :-\)  Thank you for your time and please consider me to be your next guard!  Big Grin

[move]Sedimentary Torch[/move]
Nice app, may need to be longer.


[Image: eJwtx0EKg0AMBdB9TvEvUOkoMjcotNBd9yVgGK06...glwQ~~.png]
Nice app  Big Grin Good luck! +1
Pretty decent app, could use a tad bit more on the " Why should we pick you as our next guard " section.
Side note: Applicant asked me every 15 minutes to check his app or asked me if I read it yet.


[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]
i think this is awesome! good luck!


[Image: jVoSFv.gif]
*cough cough*
[Image: xJ1tYqC.png]
When was that morbid?


[Image: 46w4L0e.jpg]
(Feb 11th, 2014, 08:51 AM)summonhalo link Wrote: When was that morbid?

Like 5 - 10 minutes before I posted it
Thanks for the tips! Wink
guys, it looks like vinny edited it, re read the "why should we pick you to be our next guard?" section

...still a decent app, however, ur not very active and I've never seen u pvp, also not that experienced
+1, -1

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