pimpdaddy47 Staff Impersonation & Language
Your IGN: Cpt_PandaPantz
Offender's? IGN: pimpdaddy47
Offender's? rank: Free
What the offender was doing: Player increasingly personated staff by calling chat offenses. Even when we strongly suggested that he or she to stop, he or she had begun to use foul language and continued to impersonate.
What server this was on: MCP Prison.
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 27.11.2018 at 8:16pm AEST.
Proof: (insert an image or video here, MAKE SURE TO EMBED THE IMAGE IN THE PAGE OR NOTHING WILL BE DONE.)
[Image: fb1efac542fd80c3e4edd94383dd9a06.png]

[Image: a5f830ffb50111ca29d1a45ccf8c298c.png]
[Image: ecce3080d37a118faeda55c08eb4f8db.png]

Additional info: A separate report has been made for another player of the same nature, as seen in these screenshots. I did attempt to contact any mod at the time of occurance, but no one replied or came online.
Handled please lock.


[Image: Gm0PMGN.png]
I was there to vouch lol


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