Dec 23rd, 2017, 09:54 PM
What is up guys! I'm your host MittyIsHere, lets waste no time and get rioooooooooooooght into the news!
MCP Alert Expands!
Jumping right into what is probably the biggest story to date by MCP Alert, the purchase, and rebranding of CDGS Informer. Both parties in this deal agreed to keep most of the information regarding the purchase private. However, we are able to announce that with the purchase of CDGS Informer we have began to expand our company into what we hope will be one of CDGS MCP's first ever long term monopolies. This purchase would not have been possible without the constant support from you guys the fans. We hope that our new sibling paper, CDGS Informer, will live up to what you expect from us and that you give the host and their writers a fair chance at improving and bringing you the best weekly news. Don't start getting worried, no matter what MCP Alert will still be your number one source for news on the weekends!
After One Year on MCP
Today is officially my one year anniversary since joining Minecraft Community Prison, in a year over 700+ Hours of playtime, 30 days worth of playtime, 300+ hours of that being apart of the Staff Team on MCP. I was C-Guard Twice, B-Guard Twice, and A-Guard once. I've opened over 2000 crates and most of them have been shards. I've applied for staff 8 times, being rejected only 6 of those 8 times. I've formed friendships that will probably only last a few months and some that will last years. I've learned the females have pubic hairs and other sexual orientated stuff I would have never learned about. I've been banned 50 times and muted twice, one from Mae and the other from Serrian, of course nothing serious. I've gotten 1 staff member demoted ( <3 you Mit) and have been demoted twice, and have had 3 staff reports on me. I've gotten 4 players banned, 3 of which I was praised for. I've donated $174 and created 1 custom crate item. 23 different staff members have been demoted a total of 27 times, 10 for inactivity. I've won 250+ events, with the majority being laser tag. I lost my secret admirer, Zs for months only for him to come back. I've spent countless nights past my bedtime on MCP forming bonds. I've learned so much from this community and have made numerous friendships, hopefully this time next year I form even more and learn even more.
MCP Alert Logo!
As many of you know we have been attempting to find a creator to make us a logo to define our news organization. Our very own writer, Cpt_PandaPantz, aka NewsDownUnder, has hand created our new logo! After having seen our negotiations fall through she took it upon herself to create our new logo. We are still looking for someone to make a news intro video for MCP Alert for those of you who are interested. Without further ado here is the brand new MCP Alert logo!
![[Image: ddd3abd87fa66d2fe566559613aff9db.jpg]](
MCP Is About To Be A Lot Warmer :The Lispy Story
Alphacoolshskate was banned lashst week from an issshshue that ssharted on the forumss. It all shsarted when AlphaCoolskhsate poshsted, "Gay" in the shsoutbox. He was then banned from the forumshs. He then prochceeded to go on MCP and complain to Shsilas about how he wouldn't ban anyone else if they poshsted, "Gay" in the shsoutbox, thishs than led Shilas to ban AlphaCoolshskate off of MCP, permanently. You will not be mishsed Coolshskate.
Writer Dedication!
As many of you know, PJR creator, owner, and sole writer shut down his news production a few weeks back. However, that may no longer be the case as he reached our to our writer, Cpt_PandaPantz. There have also been rumors that he has reached our to hiring Dragon1240 to write for him as well. While the reports on talks with Dragon1240 have no solid evidence to back these claims we do have proof of him reaching out to Cpt_Panda. Why is this a story though? You may be asking us that, the main reason this is a story is because our writer Panda showed true MCP Alert pride when she turned down his offer with the comment shown below in the photo! Way to go Panda! We love to have you with MCP Alert![Wink Wink](
![[Image: SWvnoPH.png]](
Economic section - Issue 2
Welcome to the economy segment of the paper where you will find the best deals on the server!
As per my last issue that I wrote, we do have a competition on who has the better rate for emeralds. Nator27 and Kittiwolf still have the lead with the best price to sell your emeralds at $750 per emerald. Maelonic and LiteViperMC come in a close second at $725 per emerald.
Plots: Nator27 and Kittiwolf PLot 1 in the Courtyard. Maelonic Plot 32 and LiteViperMC plot 29 in the courtyard.
Now, we have more competition on who has the best price for books. Boysocute has the best rate per book; however, you must buy in a larger bulk (5 for $1500). Next is ibalisticbear24 comes $100 more than Boysocute per book ($400) but you can buy one by one. Finally, kittiwolf is selling books for $500 each.
Plots: Boysocute plot 10, ibalisticbear24 plot 21, and kittiwolf plot 1 in the courtyard.
With food, one more person has stepped into this but with only one item (bread). If you would like the better price, you should go to Chantallylace's shop with $60 for every 16 bread. If you don't want to click as much and carry on the cost, then go to Lord63's plot for 64 bread for $1500. More food items can be found at Chantallylace plot like baked potato, beetroot soup, and cookies. Get them before the shop runs out.
Plots: Chantallylace plot 16 and Lord63 plot 14 in the courtyard.
If you like speed, then Cpt_PandaPantz has just the item for you, the great speed one boots costing only $35000. If you need Taser charges, then Cpt_PandaPantz has the item for you at $1500 per one charge. Also, if you need a dragon egg for any reason, Cpt_PandaPantz has dragon egg(s) for sale at the cost of $30000 per egg.
Plot: Cpt_PandaPantz plot 7 in the courtyard.
LiteViperMC has ender pearls up for grabs if you want them costing $16000 for 16 of them. LiteViperMC also has a sell shop where you can sell your diamonds, even though it is below server price. LiteViperMC is also buying gold ingot#w and iron ingot#A. Do /iteminfo to find out if you have either of these amazing items to get a paycheck of $27500 per each one.
Plot: LiteViperMC plot 29 in the courtyard.
Also, Lord63 has xp bottles for $5000 per stack so you might want to grab them fast. And the last item is a golden apple being sold by Cpt_PandaPantz for $2000.
PLots: Lord63 plot 14 and Cpt_PandaPantz plot 7 in the courtyard.
Finally, after this segment goes live, ads will be able to be purchased at HeadlessCowboy's courtyard plot near block A on the side of the building (Plot 6). It will cost $100 per ad and make sure you read all of the signs on the side. Remember, you can make ads for stuff you want to sell and stuff you want to buy. Here are the refund rates:
If a person's ad doesn't make it in the next paper, then we can offer a partial refund to them which is 10% off of the initial purchase per issue of the paper that it isn't on. You can only be refunded to a total of $75 per ad.
Interview With God Himself!
MittyIsHere: So we have finally got to sit down with Silas_Bowen. Firstly how are you? I feel the first big question we should knock out right away is, how have you kept the motivation for MCP going for so long? We are quickly going on five years and there is no sign of slowing down for this great server. So where do you keep finding the time and motivation to keep up the constant updates.
Silas_Bowen: Thanks for asking, right now I'm doing just fine as it's the holidays. To answer your question I wouldn't say that I have always been motivated for MCP. Theres been times in which I've wanted little to do with the server and ignored/taken a break from it. Ultimately though MCP is my hobby so if I didn't enjoy it to some extent I would not run the server. Luckily when I'm not interested in the server or want a break from it years of development & great staff keep things running.
MittyIsHere: I know the players of MCP enjoy the fact that you have kept the server up and running and without the great staff that we have now that would be little to impossible. A staff member that not a lot of players know his role in things is Zeedin. Are you able to give us some insight as to what he does for the server and what would happen if he one day decided to up and leave the server and no longer contribute to it's growth and life span.
Silas_Bowen: Sounds like he wasn't around for his own interview eh? In seriousness Zeedin has done and does a tremendous amount for MCP. Zeedin literally builds all the maps which is why we have such a distinct prison but that's really just one role he fills when it's time for a new map. All the other time Zeedin runs most of the technical work for the server such as the box itself, forums, and teamspeak which makes MCP what it is. Without his experience we wouldn't have MCP in its pristine form and it might not have even made it this far.
MittyIsHere: Some high praise for the man himself Zeedin. I know some of our older players have nothing but great things to say about Zeedin. Hopefully with this insight to how important he is the MCP the new players will understand a small portion of the work that goes into the server behind the scenes. Moving on. The players talk all the time about their favorite versions and when the server was the greatest. However, I don't believe we have ever heard your personal opinion on this highly debated topic. What version do you personally feel was the biggest version, update, content wise and player activity wise was the most benificial to MCP's success. Building off of that question what do you feel you have added to the server that has had the most impact on the server to keep players interested and continuing to come back?
Silas_Bowen: I may not have addressed MCP or this issue formally but I do have a strong opinion on nolstagia. We hear nonstop on the server things such as "oh v3 was the best version" "this server is worse than Convicted" basically I liked x so clearly y is bad. In my opinion this is all hogwash as it is just nolstagia and that many of the people who make these comments have not tried to experience the modern server and just have fond previous memories. We spend a lot of time/consideration on most of MCPs features so I truly believe that it's gotten better over time and anyone who gives it a shot will find that true. The server really developed in V5 to its "modern state" and our current version V6 is very well polished particularily after the reset which gave us a clear foundation going forward. Success wise there has been a lot of things which have built on over the years, lots of little improvements here and there ultimately building on top of the server and making it better. All of this and the maturing community has improved the server over time even if it's a niche genre at this point. We don't plan on changing that any time soon as we like what we've made. For one final note I'll say that it's easy for players to remember a server fondly when they played at a much younger age. I myself find myself thinking that way about certain things too but it's important to not let that cloud your opinion of new or current things. If you've had your fill of the game move on or try our current experience but don't expect us to keep the server one way in case you wish to visit it once every few years. We don't wish to hear your baseless nolstalgic whinging so get onboard or leave.
MittyIsHere: Amazing response and great insight on your opinion on that highly debated issue. With that hopefully the debate will finally sizzle out of existance and we can focus on the current version and how to make it better. A few more questions and we can finish up here. A lot of the players feel that our current guard team is bad, don't do their jobs ect ect. Being the main man to hire on these guards what are your thoughts on them? Obviously there have been times in MCP history where you have made bad choices in the eyes of the community but what really goes into picking a new guard or moderator for the server and how do you monitor them for possible promotions or demotions?
Silas_Bowen: Let me preface this by saying throughout the servers history there has always been someone who says the guards are bad whether it is true or not. As far as the current staff goes my opinion of them is that they're doing their job fine despite a few bumbs, if they stop meeting expectations they wouldn't be staff anymore and that has always been the case. For picking new staff it really depends who's applying when we need to fill positions. If there's a time in which there's poor applicants we may hold off on filling spots or in reversve we may stretch a spot when there's a good applicant. Ultimately it comes down to who applys, whether they've annoyed me, been staff before, or will fit the role well in my eyes. When it comes to promoting staff I usually see how long they've been in their current spot and if its been a good amount of time without any issues. Demotions are different as we don't just say "oh this guys bad" we have to have something definitive before anything will happen so as long as there's no major incidents staff will remain staff. We give our staff the benefit of the doubt but when they do tip the scale or make balatent offenses we will demote them even if it takes a while (baseless complaining doesn't tip the scale).
MittyIsHere: One final question to really hit this interview on the head. Over the course of MCP we have seen many players come and go. I feel a big question a lot of the players eventually get to when it's their time to leave is will this server still be running if I decide to come back? So our question to you is this, do you foresee for any reason in the future that MCP will no longer be running? If you can see it when do you feel you will be shutting down MCP or would you find someone you can trust and willing to pay for the server to continue running it for the players who have come to call the server home?
Silas_Bowen: We certainly have seen a lot of players come and go over the years and it's sad to see them go but even on MCP players eventually have their fill. We actually have this exact situation happen on the server now and then, someone logs on after a very long period of inactivity. Usually the first response we get is along the lines of "woah this server is still up" followed by checking it out/seeing changes then logging off into obscurity once more. We've already passed what I'd say is an average lifespan for a minecraft server but I don't forsee the server shutting down so hopefully we'll have more players rediscovering it. There may be a time in which we don't have time/motivation to work on it at all but MCP will remain up but the server is so developed and self sufficient that it can go on with little care. I doubt I'll ever find someone or somewhere to run the server as it's my hobby/project and even if I wanted to I doubt anyone could handle taking it over let alone doing so without bastardizing it. That being said we have a very supportive community & donators who pay MCPs bills and as long as that's the case we'll keep it running until it's time for a curtain call. That being said I don't see MCP shutting down in the near future as we've already made it this far.
MittyIsHere: How do you feel about MCP Alert? :^ )
Silas_Bowen: Fake news sir. In seriousness I think MCP Alert is great even when it stirs the pot. I like to see all the opinions and long interviews like this one and hope it'll continue into the future.
What is up guys! I'm your host MittyIsHere, lets waste no time and get rioooooooooooooght into the news!
MCP Alert Expands!
Jumping right into what is probably the biggest story to date by MCP Alert, the purchase, and rebranding of CDGS Informer. Both parties in this deal agreed to keep most of the information regarding the purchase private. However, we are able to announce that with the purchase of CDGS Informer we have began to expand our company into what we hope will be one of CDGS MCP's first ever long term monopolies. This purchase would not have been possible without the constant support from you guys the fans. We hope that our new sibling paper, CDGS Informer, will live up to what you expect from us and that you give the host and their writers a fair chance at improving and bringing you the best weekly news. Don't start getting worried, no matter what MCP Alert will still be your number one source for news on the weekends!
After One Year on MCP
Today is officially my one year anniversary since joining Minecraft Community Prison, in a year over 700+ Hours of playtime, 30 days worth of playtime, 300+ hours of that being apart of the Staff Team on MCP. I was C-Guard Twice, B-Guard Twice, and A-Guard once. I've opened over 2000 crates and most of them have been shards. I've applied for staff 8 times, being rejected only 6 of those 8 times. I've formed friendships that will probably only last a few months and some that will last years. I've learned the females have pubic hairs and other sexual orientated stuff I would have never learned about. I've been banned 50 times and muted twice, one from Mae and the other from Serrian, of course nothing serious. I've gotten 1 staff member demoted ( <3 you Mit) and have been demoted twice, and have had 3 staff reports on me. I've gotten 4 players banned, 3 of which I was praised for. I've donated $174 and created 1 custom crate item. 23 different staff members have been demoted a total of 27 times, 10 for inactivity. I've won 250+ events, with the majority being laser tag. I lost my secret admirer, Zs for months only for him to come back. I've spent countless nights past my bedtime on MCP forming bonds. I've learned so much from this community and have made numerous friendships, hopefully this time next year I form even more and learn even more.
MCP Alert Logo!
As many of you know we have been attempting to find a creator to make us a logo to define our news organization. Our very own writer, Cpt_PandaPantz, aka NewsDownUnder, has hand created our new logo! After having seen our negotiations fall through she took it upon herself to create our new logo. We are still looking for someone to make a news intro video for MCP Alert for those of you who are interested. Without further ado here is the brand new MCP Alert logo!
![[Image: ddd3abd87fa66d2fe566559613aff9db.jpg]](
MCP Is About To Be A Lot Warmer :The Lispy Story
Alphacoolshskate was banned lashst week from an issshshue that ssharted on the forumss. It all shsarted when AlphaCoolskhsate poshsted, "Gay" in the shsoutbox. He was then banned from the forumshs. He then prochceeded to go on MCP and complain to Shsilas about how he wouldn't ban anyone else if they poshsted, "Gay" in the shsoutbox, thishs than led Shilas to ban AlphaCoolshskate off of MCP, permanently. You will not be mishsed Coolshskate.
Writer Dedication!
As many of you know, PJR creator, owner, and sole writer shut down his news production a few weeks back. However, that may no longer be the case as he reached our to our writer, Cpt_PandaPantz. There have also been rumors that he has reached our to hiring Dragon1240 to write for him as well. While the reports on talks with Dragon1240 have no solid evidence to back these claims we do have proof of him reaching out to Cpt_Panda. Why is this a story though? You may be asking us that, the main reason this is a story is because our writer Panda showed true MCP Alert pride when she turned down his offer with the comment shown below in the photo! Way to go Panda! We love to have you with MCP Alert
![Wink Wink](
![[Image: SWvnoPH.png]](
Economic section - Issue 2
Welcome to the economy segment of the paper where you will find the best deals on the server!
As per my last issue that I wrote, we do have a competition on who has the better rate for emeralds. Nator27 and Kittiwolf still have the lead with the best price to sell your emeralds at $750 per emerald. Maelonic and LiteViperMC come in a close second at $725 per emerald.
Plots: Nator27 and Kittiwolf PLot 1 in the Courtyard. Maelonic Plot 32 and LiteViperMC plot 29 in the courtyard.
Now, we have more competition on who has the best price for books. Boysocute has the best rate per book; however, you must buy in a larger bulk (5 for $1500). Next is ibalisticbear24 comes $100 more than Boysocute per book ($400) but you can buy one by one. Finally, kittiwolf is selling books for $500 each.
Plots: Boysocute plot 10, ibalisticbear24 plot 21, and kittiwolf plot 1 in the courtyard.
With food, one more person has stepped into this but with only one item (bread). If you would like the better price, you should go to Chantallylace's shop with $60 for every 16 bread. If you don't want to click as much and carry on the cost, then go to Lord63's plot for 64 bread for $1500. More food items can be found at Chantallylace plot like baked potato, beetroot soup, and cookies. Get them before the shop runs out.
Plots: Chantallylace plot 16 and Lord63 plot 14 in the courtyard.
If you like speed, then Cpt_PandaPantz has just the item for you, the great speed one boots costing only $35000. If you need Taser charges, then Cpt_PandaPantz has the item for you at $1500 per one charge. Also, if you need a dragon egg for any reason, Cpt_PandaPantz has dragon egg(s) for sale at the cost of $30000 per egg.
Plot: Cpt_PandaPantz plot 7 in the courtyard.
LiteViperMC has ender pearls up for grabs if you want them costing $16000 for 16 of them. LiteViperMC also has a sell shop where you can sell your diamonds, even though it is below server price. LiteViperMC is also buying gold ingot#w and iron ingot#A. Do /iteminfo to find out if you have either of these amazing items to get a paycheck of $27500 per each one.
Plot: LiteViperMC plot 29 in the courtyard.
Also, Lord63 has xp bottles for $5000 per stack so you might want to grab them fast. And the last item is a golden apple being sold by Cpt_PandaPantz for $2000.
PLots: Lord63 plot 14 and Cpt_PandaPantz plot 7 in the courtyard.
Finally, after this segment goes live, ads will be able to be purchased at HeadlessCowboy's courtyard plot near block A on the side of the building (Plot 6). It will cost $100 per ad and make sure you read all of the signs on the side. Remember, you can make ads for stuff you want to sell and stuff you want to buy. Here are the refund rates:
If a person's ad doesn't make it in the next paper, then we can offer a partial refund to them which is 10% off of the initial purchase per issue of the paper that it isn't on. You can only be refunded to a total of $75 per ad.
Interview With God Himself!
MittyIsHere: So we have finally got to sit down with Silas_Bowen. Firstly how are you? I feel the first big question we should knock out right away is, how have you kept the motivation for MCP going for so long? We are quickly going on five years and there is no sign of slowing down for this great server. So where do you keep finding the time and motivation to keep up the constant updates.
Silas_Bowen: Thanks for asking, right now I'm doing just fine as it's the holidays. To answer your question I wouldn't say that I have always been motivated for MCP. Theres been times in which I've wanted little to do with the server and ignored/taken a break from it. Ultimately though MCP is my hobby so if I didn't enjoy it to some extent I would not run the server. Luckily when I'm not interested in the server or want a break from it years of development & great staff keep things running.
MittyIsHere: I know the players of MCP enjoy the fact that you have kept the server up and running and without the great staff that we have now that would be little to impossible. A staff member that not a lot of players know his role in things is Zeedin. Are you able to give us some insight as to what he does for the server and what would happen if he one day decided to up and leave the server and no longer contribute to it's growth and life span.
Silas_Bowen: Sounds like he wasn't around for his own interview eh? In seriousness Zeedin has done and does a tremendous amount for MCP. Zeedin literally builds all the maps which is why we have such a distinct prison but that's really just one role he fills when it's time for a new map. All the other time Zeedin runs most of the technical work for the server such as the box itself, forums, and teamspeak which makes MCP what it is. Without his experience we wouldn't have MCP in its pristine form and it might not have even made it this far.
MittyIsHere: Some high praise for the man himself Zeedin. I know some of our older players have nothing but great things to say about Zeedin. Hopefully with this insight to how important he is the MCP the new players will understand a small portion of the work that goes into the server behind the scenes. Moving on. The players talk all the time about their favorite versions and when the server was the greatest. However, I don't believe we have ever heard your personal opinion on this highly debated topic. What version do you personally feel was the biggest version, update, content wise and player activity wise was the most benificial to MCP's success. Building off of that question what do you feel you have added to the server that has had the most impact on the server to keep players interested and continuing to come back?
Silas_Bowen: I may not have addressed MCP or this issue formally but I do have a strong opinion on nolstagia. We hear nonstop on the server things such as "oh v3 was the best version" "this server is worse than Convicted" basically I liked x so clearly y is bad. In my opinion this is all hogwash as it is just nolstagia and that many of the people who make these comments have not tried to experience the modern server and just have fond previous memories. We spend a lot of time/consideration on most of MCPs features so I truly believe that it's gotten better over time and anyone who gives it a shot will find that true. The server really developed in V5 to its "modern state" and our current version V6 is very well polished particularily after the reset which gave us a clear foundation going forward. Success wise there has been a lot of things which have built on over the years, lots of little improvements here and there ultimately building on top of the server and making it better. All of this and the maturing community has improved the server over time even if it's a niche genre at this point. We don't plan on changing that any time soon as we like what we've made. For one final note I'll say that it's easy for players to remember a server fondly when they played at a much younger age. I myself find myself thinking that way about certain things too but it's important to not let that cloud your opinion of new or current things. If you've had your fill of the game move on or try our current experience but don't expect us to keep the server one way in case you wish to visit it once every few years. We don't wish to hear your baseless nolstalgic whinging so get onboard or leave.
MittyIsHere: Amazing response and great insight on your opinion on that highly debated issue. With that hopefully the debate will finally sizzle out of existance and we can focus on the current version and how to make it better. A few more questions and we can finish up here. A lot of the players feel that our current guard team is bad, don't do their jobs ect ect. Being the main man to hire on these guards what are your thoughts on them? Obviously there have been times in MCP history where you have made bad choices in the eyes of the community but what really goes into picking a new guard or moderator for the server and how do you monitor them for possible promotions or demotions?
Silas_Bowen: Let me preface this by saying throughout the servers history there has always been someone who says the guards are bad whether it is true or not. As far as the current staff goes my opinion of them is that they're doing their job fine despite a few bumbs, if they stop meeting expectations they wouldn't be staff anymore and that has always been the case. For picking new staff it really depends who's applying when we need to fill positions. If there's a time in which there's poor applicants we may hold off on filling spots or in reversve we may stretch a spot when there's a good applicant. Ultimately it comes down to who applys, whether they've annoyed me, been staff before, or will fit the role well in my eyes. When it comes to promoting staff I usually see how long they've been in their current spot and if its been a good amount of time without any issues. Demotions are different as we don't just say "oh this guys bad" we have to have something definitive before anything will happen so as long as there's no major incidents staff will remain staff. We give our staff the benefit of the doubt but when they do tip the scale or make balatent offenses we will demote them even if it takes a while (baseless complaining doesn't tip the scale).
MittyIsHere: One final question to really hit this interview on the head. Over the course of MCP we have seen many players come and go. I feel a big question a lot of the players eventually get to when it's their time to leave is will this server still be running if I decide to come back? So our question to you is this, do you foresee for any reason in the future that MCP will no longer be running? If you can see it when do you feel you will be shutting down MCP or would you find someone you can trust and willing to pay for the server to continue running it for the players who have come to call the server home?
Silas_Bowen: We certainly have seen a lot of players come and go over the years and it's sad to see them go but even on MCP players eventually have their fill. We actually have this exact situation happen on the server now and then, someone logs on after a very long period of inactivity. Usually the first response we get is along the lines of "woah this server is still up" followed by checking it out/seeing changes then logging off into obscurity once more. We've already passed what I'd say is an average lifespan for a minecraft server but I don't forsee the server shutting down so hopefully we'll have more players rediscovering it. There may be a time in which we don't have time/motivation to work on it at all but MCP will remain up but the server is so developed and self sufficient that it can go on with little care. I doubt I'll ever find someone or somewhere to run the server as it's my hobby/project and even if I wanted to I doubt anyone could handle taking it over let alone doing so without bastardizing it. That being said we have a very supportive community & donators who pay MCPs bills and as long as that's the case we'll keep it running until it's time for a curtain call. That being said I don't see MCP shutting down in the near future as we've already made it this far.
MittyIsHere: How do you feel about MCP Alert? :^ )
Silas_Bowen: Fake news sir. In seriousness I think MCP Alert is great even when it stirs the pot. I like to see all the opinions and long interviews like this one and hope it'll continue into the future.
![[Image: ddd3abd87fa66d2fe566559613aff9db.jpg]](