zs471's Guard Application
What is your IGN? zs471

How old are you as of now? 18.9671

What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) 416 hours

When can you play on MCP? All the time except for while I'm killing terrorists

What is your timezone? EST

What is your rank on the server? Baron Donor

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yeah I've played on a good few, none except MCP in the past years

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). Yeah, Deathcraft - Master Guard, Mumaus - Don't remember, MCP - Sr. Guard, MCP - B-Guard, MCP Head-Guard, MCP Head-Guard, Army Private First Class

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Yeah, just relooked at them, 12.6 Volts fixes all problems

Why should we pick you to be our next guard?
I'm the most qualified person for the job. My vast guarding experience on other servers and MCP throughout the past 5 years unfortunately. I'm currently in the Army as a corrections officer which is essentially a prison guard, the skills translate swimmingly. I know the server like the back of my leg and I can't wait to be staff again to better assist new players and see the server grow. I've also been staff longer than I have not been staff. I was a head-guard before, but was demoted for inactivity when I joined the Army.

Can't wait to continue helping the server in any way I can.


[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
You know I was actually just thinking to myself, 'You know who would be a good guard?' Then it came to me. Obviously Zs471 would be a good guard. +1 Also Zsnyou know why you’re so in shape? Because every time you cheat you lose one pound and gain +1 speed.


(Apr 5th, 2017, 02:56 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote:No singing in Communist MCP Kappa


"I don't think it's Dragon, I think he is just being retarded as usual." - zs471 4/26/2017

You will be remembered zs471, F.

(Sep 24th, 2017, 09:25 AM)zs471 link Wrote:You know I was actually just thinking to myself, 'You know who would be a good guard?' Then it came to me. Obviously Dragon1240 would be a good guard. +1


[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
+1 nothing but good stuff to say!!
You forgot that you were cheater guard at one point too  Kappa +1


LSI: http://forums.cdgs.net/index.php/topic,3689.0.html
[Image: eL04gJk.png]
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