Staff Appliment
How Long Have You Played On MCP? Almost a year now, i have low hours due to reset
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Yes, It was a plain out accident. I regret it to this day
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? 1 day
What is your current playtime on the server? 10 hours (Due To reset)
When can you play on MCP? All the time practically
What is your rank on the server? Citizen
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I think you should pick me to be your next moderator becuase i am loyal, I love to help, I am kind, And most of all i love to be very very helpful. I have lots of experience with being a moderator (I own 2 servers)
Additional Information: I have expirience, I also have a YT channel with 10k+ subs. My man silas_Bowen if your interested i could promote this server FOR FREE!


Forgot the timezone soz, I live in america i live in pacific time zone <33333 nope.jpeg nope.jpeg nope.jpeg nope.jpeg


I have been playing for 4 years and dont remember you at all, and putting you have 10k subs doesn't help when the app itself isn't great. Two sentence applications dont help, and you might be missing something important too.


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
I never thought it would help me xD I was just trying to be helpful and maybe get the server filled up Smile


The server reset 7 months ago


[Image: wGNJe78.png]
[Image: fde7785abc1392076c4a6dd643840c88.png]
Your even putting my applications to shame  FeelsBadMan.jpeg


[Image: 0Xy4rwK.jpg]

[Image: lpFQ2b2.jpg]
Okay let's start off easy. 1. Reset happened forever ago, as zs said, 7 months. In all that time you've only played 10 hours? Then you say you can play all day every day? Could you fill me in? I haven't been active in a while but what I'm hearing is "I got a great idea to apply for staff so IF I get accepted I'll be super active" just me anybody? 2. It seems like your whole application is just you repeating you have experience and repeating your helpful. Care to offer any examples? 3. 10k Subs Sponsor Free? You say it like your doing Silas a favor so he owes you. Subs don't mean anything, Silas has his own channel and isn't a sell out for sponsors. Not sure how to feel because I have not been on in a while. If anyone feels the same on all these issues, or thinks I have sand in my vagina, please let me know. @Myself Tell me if I'm just being a fat lazy fuck, but I also noticed you did not put your name in the Application Title, which is specifically in the "How to Apply for Mod" section
Not mature enough, denied.



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