USonic's Mod Application
IGN: USonic_
Age (as of now): (Messaged to Admins + Silas on discord)
Timezone: AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)
How Long Have You Played On MCP? I have been playing on MCP for about a month and a half.
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) 126 hours.
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? No.
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? N/A
When can you play on MCP? I can play on MCP for about 3 hours most days, but am more active on weekends.
What is your rank on the server? I am a Baron.
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? I think I should be picked to be a moderator because I am always following the rules except for the time I used 4 consecutive caps. I fixed my mistake afterwards. I have been told I am probably the most active person on the server and I am nice to everyone. I give a lot of stuff away, and I try to help everyone I can.
Additional Information: I was the top voter last month, and I hope to be donating soon.
Correction: I have been kicked by the server riding a skeleton horse into water and lagging while jumping. It thought I was flying.
My only recommendation is get your playtime up a little bit more and it does look like you are missing something but otherwise great app. 10/10 active player and very friendly, haven't seen you cause any issues and you seem to get along with everyone and are really chill. For sure would make a good mod +1


Just your friendly neighbourhood DragonApex23
'Tis but a scratch
Decent app, missed a thing, overall good playtime.  Feel free to re-apply in a week or two and re-read all the rules. 



[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
Most active person eh? We will see about that one bud.

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