TraphouseCorndog's (Revised) Moderator Application
In Game Name: TraphouseCorndog
Age (as of now): 18
Timezone: EST (US)
How Long Have You Played On MCP?: A week and a half
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked?: None of the above
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long?: N/A
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime): 30 hours
When can you play on MCP?: Any time in the late morning and late evening (11am-3pm and 8pm-3am)
What is your rank on the server?: Citizen
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator?: I believe that I would be a very beneficial member to add to the staff team, as I am approachable, knowledgeable, and am always willing to help. I have had three years combined staff experience on a server very similar to CDGS, and have acquired many, if not all of the skills required to be an efficient member of a staff team. I am a very active player, and would love to help better the server in any way possible. After reading up on forum posts, the Moderator/Guard rules, and other pages on the forums, I believe I am more than capable of being exactly what the server needs. If I am chosen for the position, I promise to do all in my power to keep the server fun, safe, and fair for all. It is my duty to uphold and exceed the high standards of MCP. I promise to think before acting and dedicate myself to the betterment of MCP. I will not forsake my duty for riches nor for the purpose of self-benefit. To this I swear. I will not get triggered.
Additional Information: For any additional information, please contact me via the forum messages, or in game. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application, and have a wonderful day.


[Image: xS21j9z.jpg]
+1 super nice and friendly person, always willing to help someone out! <3 helped me out a lot when I was not certain on things.


"We will always remember RT for being a beast Lili."
--Killer Mittstarr

[Image: wavkJtH.png]
-1 Sorry but your play time is super low, I haven't seen you around the server or to see how you interact with players etc.
Good Luck

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