Reading Pb’s post about his playtime being limited reminded/inspired this post. Due to a hurricane (Hurricane Maria) devastating Puerto Rico (my beautiful home land) and basically destroying the power grid, power has been going out periodically every few days/weeks and stays out for about 10 hours at max. This being said, I may not be on somedays due to power going out. I am writing this on my phone because there is no power right now, so please excuse typos.
I have heard about the power grid in Puerto Rico and how the first company to fix your grid failed to do so correctly; however, I have also herd Puerto Rico's grid wasn't up to par before the hurricane. I am not sure which company or companies are fixing it now since it faded in the mainstream news in the states. I hope Puerto Rico's power grid gets fixed before the next hurricane since hurricane season is coming up in about three months.
In short:
Pre hurricane:
Power grid 95-99%
After hurricane :
So we were good before the hurricane but after we are screwed because all of the lines that were almost broken, broke and they had to repair like 89% of the original grid. Anyways, were getting new lines hopefully stronger but there is still the threat of another hurricane, which will basically end all hope for us. With less trees and structures to take/cover the wind our houses/buildings are more vulnerable.