Maaty's Guard Application
First of all, I'd like to say the following: Please don't think about my recent moderator application. It was just an attempt. I wanted to help people where I could without realising what I really wanted. What I really want is to be guard. I miss guarding!

What is your IGN?
  - Maaty
How old are you as of now?
  - 18 Years old
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime)
  - 141 Hours
When can you play on MCP?
  - Everyday but I prefer weekends. I mostly play at dawn/evening (GMT +1)
What is your timezone?
  - GMT+1
What is your rank on the server?
  - Citizen
Do you have any experience with other prison servers?
  - I have played on Convicted for over 2 years
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible).
  - I have been guarding on convicted 2.0, I was Trainee for 3 months (C/B-Guard), Full Guard for 6 months (A-Guard) and AlphaGuard for over a year (Sr-Guard) | IP: (same IP)
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room?
  - I have read all the prisoner and guard rules, 12.6 Volts fixes all problems
Why should we pick you to be our next guard?
  - I should be your next guard because I'm a solid pick for guard. I have been guarding a lot. I was capable of being a guard back then, and will be capable of being guard now. I have never abused my guard power in any kind, I reached AlphaGuard rank for a reason. I am fair, polite and helpful. I will be a good addition to the guard squad. I am very active, which will result in a safe prison for most of the time. I am sure I will be active as a guard as well. The main reason why I am applying for guard is because I miss the guard days. I have to be honest, I'd really like to be AlphaGuard(Sr-Guard) again. In addition to that, I will keep the prison safe since I am a good PvPer. It's been a while since I PvP'd but I'm sure after some practice I will be killing bad prisoners again without too much trouble Wink

[Image: VsUdbs0.jpg]
[Image: UDVBOHf.jpg]


[Image: 39PzhKv.png]
May be accepting new guards in the next while. You're a good applicant so we'll keep you in mind!


+1 nothing else needed he is a great person and would help the guard lineup due to the recent demotions


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[Image: 6u1v6ul.png]

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