ThisRandomPerson's Guard Application
Hello, this is my application to become one of your guards!
What is your IGN? : ThisRandomPerson.
How old are you as of now?: 14 years of age.
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) : 4.0 hours of playtime.
When can you play on MCP?: I can play Minecraft after school at 4pm, and on weekdays 10am-8pm.
What is your timezone?: I am in the Eastern time zone.
What is your rank on the server?: My rank on the server is A
Do you have any experience with other prison servers?: I do have experience with prison servers (im creating one at this moment!)
Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible).: I do not have any experience with guarding, I am not going to lie to you guys, I would like to become a  guard on your server to learn how, and to help out and most of all have fun!
Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Again I will not lie I had just read the Guard rules, but I already read the prisoner rules. So yes I have read both of the rules. I agree with all of them, and I will follow them of course.
-Why should we pick you to be our next guard? Why you should accept me as your new guard is because I am a young, minecraft 14 year old player, who even though only played 4.0 hours of the server is in love with it. I am a straight A student, and even though im only rank A. Someone helped me to get from rank B to rank A. I wanna give back to this server and help the hell out of it! I am creating a Prison/OP Prison server at this moment. I know what its like to have a 9 year old or whatever the age is! To come onto you server and just ask for staff. Well I am not one of those kids, even if I get rejected I will still love, and play the same amount as I do today. (yes that jested rhymed)  nope.jpeg
Missing Something Crucial.
Low Playtime
Must be E Rank or better to get accepted.
Read the rules.


[Image: XldgxAq.png]
You Needed JimmyDragonJr. Now you have got him.. XD
[Image: M2oq2bs.png]
Thanks I didnt think I would get accepted anyway Im only 19K away from E and ill try to play more often Thanks

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