Feb 26th, 2017, 04:38 AM
Age:12 (13 in 5 months)
Timezone: GMT (UK)
How Long Have You Played On MCP? Since December last year
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Once
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? I was muted for arguing with a guy who killed me while I was afk.
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) 136.5 Hours. I understand that this is not as long as many other people however I fully understand the rules and I know most of the commands and tricks in CDGS.
When can you play on MCP? From 3pm-10pm On Mondays- Fridays and All day on weekend if I have nothing going on.
What is your rank on the server? Free
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? Because I'm a very trustworthy person and I don't mess around. I never lied or done anything agents the server rules. When every I see something that is wrong or inappropriate I always report it and I will do the same if I become a mod. I have got previous experience with being a mod on server, so I don't need any help while dealing with chat offenders and hackers. I'm also very active on the forms so I will always be looking for Abuse/Hacking Reports.
"I will not be triggered"
Additional Information: I know that people are annoyed about how many applications I do, the reason I do so many is because I love MCP since the moment I joined it has always been my favourite server. I feel that I would love to help out the server in any way I can. I already donate and I would love to become a staff member as well. I know that I have a guard app still open, I would most like to become a mod however if I can't then a guard would be my second choice. I know that this staff applications Is been right after mistuo got banned and I'm sorry if anyone think that I'm tacking. However as I said I would love to become a mod and now that a mod place has become free this seems like the right time
Thanks for listening
Timezone: GMT (UK)
How Long Have You Played On MCP? Since December last year
Have You Ever Been: Banned, Muted, Kicked? Once
If You Have Been, Why, And For How Long? I was muted for arguing with a guy who killed me while I was afk.
What is your current playtime on the server? (/playtime) 136.5 Hours. I understand that this is not as long as many other people however I fully understand the rules and I know most of the commands and tricks in CDGS.
When can you play on MCP? From 3pm-10pm On Mondays- Fridays and All day on weekend if I have nothing going on.
What is your rank on the server? Free
Why Should We Pick You To Be Our Next Moderator? Because I'm a very trustworthy person and I don't mess around. I never lied or done anything agents the server rules. When every I see something that is wrong or inappropriate I always report it and I will do the same if I become a mod. I have got previous experience with being a mod on server, so I don't need any help while dealing with chat offenders and hackers. I'm also very active on the forms so I will always be looking for Abuse/Hacking Reports.
"I will not be triggered"
Additional Information: I know that people are annoyed about how many applications I do, the reason I do so many is because I love MCP since the moment I joined it has always been my favourite server. I feel that I would love to help out the server in any way I can. I already donate and I would love to become a staff member as well. I know that I have a guard app still open, I would most like to become a mod however if I can't then a guard would be my second choice. I know that this staff applications Is been right after mistuo got banned and I'm sorry if anyone think that I'm tacking. However as I said I would love to become a mod and now that a mod place has become free this seems like the right time
Thanks for listening