JellyWagon123's mod application
age: 16

Timezone: central

How long have you played on MCP: 1.5 years

Have you ever been banned, muted, or kicked?:  yes

If you have been, why, and for how long?: I was perm banned for X-ray and bought an unban pass, but that was the past me, this is present me, i will never be doing that again.

Why should we pick you to be our next moderator?
There are many reasons to chose me to be the next mod, and one of the big reasons is because I do not swear and I am a very active player on MCP. and not only that, but there has been a lack of mods on mcp and the chat can be quite vulgar and aggressive even after a guard tells them to stop. {national anthem music plays in the distance} so, by adding me ,JellyWagon123, as a mod to mcp, I shall promise to protective and serve, from hackers and swears, from rule breakers and hate makers, and from all that stand in the way of a good experience for the players and community of mcp. and I, JellyWagon123, vow to be a mod worth of mcp, and its player, I am not the mod mcp wants, I am the mod mcp deserves!

Additional information:  pedobear
+1 Would make a great mod.
Would make a good mod, will be considered if room opens up.



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