urabm's guard application
Dank fuel can't melt steel memes

What is your IGN? [color=black]Urabm

How old are you as of now? 15

When can you play on MCP? After school from 7pm-10pm and all the time on weekends

What is your timezone? Eastern Standard Time

What is your rank on the server? Citizen

Do you have any experience with other prison servers? Yes, I used to play often on killion

Do you have any experience with guarding? Give a list of servers and your guard rank (IP if possible). I have been guard on this server before

Have you read both the guard rules and the prisoner rules, even the ones in the info room? Of course, "I have special eyes #MyBrand"  GG also, dank fuel can't melt steel memes

Why should we pick you to be out next guard?

              First off, MCP is THE greatest I have ever played on. Most of everyone knows the famous urabm. I love this server and it's the only server I will play on. I should become guard because I will help in every way shape and form. I already do help by donating a lot, voting everyday and inviting friends. I also am always nice to everyone and I try to make friends with everyone I can. As a guard I get a few things, mainly I get the title. The title is worth it because people respect me, if I am respected then people will look up to me and listen to me. Another reason why you should promote me to guard is because my bud kingbass literally just told me "I need another set of eyes". This shows that he needs help and a bro that can have his back during pvp riots. Another reason why I should be promoted is because of the new convicted players, obviously many new players have joined and theyre still joining today which means that I can help them and lead them towards the right direction. The new convicted players made the server much bigger and a wider community so I think a new guard should be promoted. A fourth reason is because I can stop PVP. All the new players that join, I can lead them around and tell them where to go. They will respect me and I can protect them which will help MCP's community grow. That is one of my goals, to have MCP the biggest minecraft community of all time. I really hope I am considered, I am really into this server as a prison and I miss being guard at the moment so much. I hope you that you can promote me soon so I can play a lot over christmas break as well as helping out my bro Noah and Kingbass. Thank you so much for reading my app and if I am not accepted I understand. MCP is my favorite server ever and this is urabm.

Do you want me to say #Urabm4President or # Urabm4Guard cause I ain't gonna write both... +1


[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
this ked es no  noob +1

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