Auction House
Maybe have rank requirements to be able to use the auction house?  Probably best to make it so free+ can use the auction by putting items for auction but still allow lower ranks to buy the items.  Make it a finable offense to abuse the auction house as a warning at first.  Then if they continue to violate the auction house make it a 1-day temp ban plus fine, then 1 week plus fine, and finally perm ban or something of that sort.  I'd say there should be a chest/double-chest worth of items in the auction house at one time with each person only able to "host" one to three items at a time for long-term auctions such as 2+ days. 

The "market" for the auction house would be in the bank areas throughout the ranks to access the chest to make a bid.  Maybe also make it so each item can be a bid with different ways such as blind bid where the person bidding doesn't know who placed the bid what, a known highest bid, or the full list of bidders if you would like to choose someone in particular like if they are in your faction or some other reason.  With short-term auctions, it would just go through the queue like how events are set up.  You can only set on short-term per 2 hours of in-game time to help balance it out.  Maybe have an auction bid time twice a day if you don't want it running 24/7 like maybe after events are over or in between events.

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