MrMonny Ban Appeal
IGN: MrMonny
Who banned you? Silas_Bowen
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 16.12.2017, 08.00 CET
Why were you banned? Using afk farm
Are you at fault? Not sure
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? I was afk being moved by water streams. I can't find any rules that suggests that this is not allowed. If it is against the rules then I was not aware and I am sorry. Also I was banned for 10 days (?!).
Where you fined and do you think you deserve reimbursement? No.
Additional info:
Hey, I've been banned for 10h now and I don't see how I broke any rules. I might have missed something or this is just a mistake. Could I get an explanation? I'm starting to lose prime gaming time..
Falls more or less under common sense and has been an unofficial rule for years now. We have an afk kick for a reason.


What? I get a 10 day ban for something that "Falls more or less under common sense", "an unofficial rule"? Now how am I supposed to know about that?

It would take one sentence to add that to the list of rules. And while you're at it you should add all "unofficial rules" to the list if you're planning on banning people for it.

I would understand if I had been kicked but a 10 day ban.. c'mon.

I really like the server but you're kind of ruining it for me Silas. First you give me a permban for something that clearly said the punishment was a 1day ban and 50k fee (see that you have changed it to "usually" now, very unclear). Now this..
There was also clear proof of you continuing to use your auto fisher which you were previously banned for.


I'm very interested in what proof you have of me using a fishing farm since I destroyed the one I had as soon as my first ban ran out. What I have been doing is fishing manually. So that I have more lot from fishing isn't really proof of me using a farm is it? I'm assuming that's your proof. What ever.. If this is how you're treating players on this server I'll just take my business elsewhere.
(Dec 21st, 2017, 06:59 PM)MrMonny link Wrote: I'm very interested in what proof you have of me using a fishing farm since I destroyed the one I had as soon as my first ban ran out. What I have been doing is fishing manually. So that I have more lot from fishing isn't really proof of me using a farm is it? I'm assuming that's your proof. What ever.. If this is how you're treating players on this server I'll just take my business elsewhere.

(Dec 17th, 2017, 04:28 PM)LaughNgamez link Wrote: There was also clear proof of you continuing to use your auto fisher which you were previously banned for.

The boss man said auto fisher, nothing about a fish farm mate even though both could have been used.

I am assuming that you had way too many fish to be considered normal fishing with the amount of time that you have been played.  Or, someone on the staff team (Or member) saw you auto fishing.  I have reported auto-fishers in the past and it is really evident that you are auto-fishing when auto-fishing.

I'd call a chest hooked up to your previous auto fisher filled with loot is solid enough proof.


I got a 1mil fine on top of the 10 days banned?!

I literally spent 3-4 hours fishing MANUALLY to get a name tag for my enderman farm. You banned and fined me based on guesses and not facts. I can't prove that I didn't cheat but should I have to? You should be able to provide solid proof of me cheating and you can't because there is none. That's just my opinion.

Great job on adding the new rule. It must have been hard work typing that one sentence since it wasn't there when i looked for it before afking.

So.. I broke no rules and spent hours fishing like an idiot -> 10 day ban + 1mil fine.

Have fun abusing players on your server.



wow, hes a little salty



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