Mamogo auto clicker
Your IGN: ravinseye
Offender's? IGN: Mamogo
Offender's? rank: Free
What the offender was doing: Auto-Clicker
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: 12:14 EST
Proof: (insert an image or video here, MAKE SURE TO EMBED THE IMAGE IN THE PAGE OR NOTHING WILL BE DONE.)
Additional info:
Still there an hour and 40ish min later
Will look into this as this isn't as severe as kill aura etc... prob temp ban or playtime reduced or both.
i forgot to close my computer when its like 8:00 PDT i was usin auto to farm spiders but i went to do something alse so forgot it gotta close my coputerĀ  :/


im evilĀ  >:3
User has been temp banned for 3 days as it was his first offense.



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