INB4 MCPv6 Bitching
So the "new" map is "done" now...  kinda.

Now I know a lot of you are thinking "wow A, B and E were recycled how it this a new map?", and the answer is its not really done yet. Right now the map in its form is the framework for what MCPv6 should be  and A, B and E are place holders.

The reason why I say framework is strictly I ran out of time and we needed to push the map. A bit of backstory of what happended, it was meant to be done  at the first week of September but obviously I missed that by a mile. Now this is %100 my fault, I though I could crank out a new map in an month, but in that month I moved out and that took up way more time then I though, and I forgot about some of the new things we wanted to do ie the new mines. Then after September I could no longer work on because I had classes again, and anyone who has or is talking any engineering program knows you don't have any time when working on that degree.

Now lucky I got a bit of time and was able to crank out this half backed map and you guys now get all the new cool stuff silas has been working on for the past few months.

So the To do list for the map in order of priority
Note:: Any map changes I do and things listed here will NOT involve any reset of any type or loss of items

• Go though and clean up all the ruff spots around the map (ie hide any viable glowstone)
• Build 100% New E Block + new mine
• Build 100% New  B Block + new mine
• Build 100% New  A Block + new mine

ETA mid to late December when I have time again

Maps take a lot of time to make and I fucked up and ran out of time, and if you like free time don't go to school and do and engineering degree.
Also Silas added a lot of cool new shit and tech, so look at the new map as a content update and reset.


-James Cameron
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Born too late to explore the earth, born too soon to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to гคเรє ๓ץ ๔๏ภﻮєг ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
map is good. +1
Not heard a single complaint about the new map, looking forward to the new areas though.

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