QueenMakayla's Ban Appeal
IGN: QueenMakayla
Who banned you? Not sure, i logged in and i was banned.
When were you banned? (Time/Date) Not sure, i logged in on the 2/09/16 and i was banned.
Why were you banned? ignorance, disrespect and constant lies.
Are you at fault? no, as i have not been, 'constantly lying' nor disrespect, but i have left the server due to school, sporting events and i had no internet connection due to it being fixed for 7-10 days.
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? Because i wasn't on the server for a certain amount of time, i highly disagree that i should be banned for that! i also think i should be unbanned because i don't constantly lie and for me to even think of lying would automatically lead to a ban, but the most overall thing that i don't understand is disrespect, like excuse me, but please give me a reason for how and who i was disrespecting thanks.
Additional info:
did you read the mc bans on your char?

so you had to of done something


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