Custom Enchants
I am pretty sure I've made a suggestion similar to this one I'm about to make. But I would like to revise it a bit.

I propose that we implement custom enchantments into the server. Before I go in depth of what these enchants will be, I would like to explain how to obtain them.

There are multiple ways this could be done.
* Insane amount of exp for one enchant
* Crates
* My Idea. ( Will explain )

With the exp based enchants part, that would kind of make the server pay to win, because natural spawners do not have a good exp rate.

With the crates, there's nothing wrong with getting them from crates. But I've noticed that most of the players with good items have the good items from crates. It seems like crates is what people are grinding for because they drop the only useful things.

Here's my idea on how we can obtain them if they're added. We could go to the smuggler and open up some sort of "trade GUI" Here we would trade item that could be obtained throughout the server. These quests could be daily and hand out one of the multiple enchants a day. But for good custom enchants, people would need to grind hard. So you want to put some unique, hard to obtain items to trade off for an enchant. For example, the smuggler wants a p4 diamond chestplate, with 5 rabbits feet, and 10 ghast tears. This make players grind a lot for something that benefits them.

Ok, Now into the enchants I have thought of.

You probably get this one, apply to boots, walk on water.

Iron Skin
Applies to chest pieces, Gives Resistance 1

Fire Bug
Applies to helmet, immune to fire damage, When combined with jesus, you can walk on lava.

Applies to bows, when shooting a player, you sling to them.

Applies to helmets, gives saturation effect.

Helping Hand
Applies to any armour piece, will restore 5 hearts when you are below 2 hearts, but damages your armour extremely.

I have TONS of enchants I could think of, but I would like to get some feedback on the current ones and all the rest of the suggestions. If you actually read this all, I'm proud of you!
Thanks, Cougar


[Image: eL04gJk.png]
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While it's not a bad idea it's honestly not likely to happen.

Customs enchants have been something considered before but ultimately it's not a good fit/focus of resources.
A project like this would be very large, hard to balance, and hard to be original with. Having original ideas and presenting them is very hard to do, many of the ones presented are just overlap.



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