Feb 15th, 2016, 01:01 AM
IGN: Wamobros519
Who banned you? silas_bowen
When were you banned? (Time/Date) Feb 14
Why were you banned? Scam
Are you at fault? Yes
What was your rank on MCP? Free
Why should we unban you? I love this server and will right people i have wronged
Additional info: only server i have every played a full 24 hours on- i love this server so much- and i know you want to ban me so plz ban me for weeks or a month i want to be back on eventually i will pay back esspies 7500 plz consider FeelsBadMan.jpeg
Wamo illuminati
Who banned you? silas_bowen
When were you banned? (Time/Date) Feb 14
Why were you banned? Scam
Are you at fault? Yes
What was your rank on MCP? Free
Why should we unban you? I love this server and will right people i have wronged
Additional info: only server i have every played a full 24 hours on- i love this server so much- and i know you want to ban me so plz ban me for weeks or a month i want to be back on eventually i will pay back esspies 7500 plz consider FeelsBadMan.jpeg
Wamo illuminati