Abuse by Silas_Bowen
Your IGN: Wamobros519
Offender's IGN: Silas_Bowen
Offender's rank: Owner
What the offender was doing: Banning people for fun
What server this was on: CDGS MCP (CONVICTED)
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) Between 5 and 6 Central time (3 and 4 Pacific time)

Hello everyone. I understand I am not well liked on this server but I would like to talk about owner abuse today. Today I was wrongfully banned without any proof by Silas. I am posting this to hopefully be unbanned and to show everyone the clear abuse of Silas's power. He claims I scammed but when asked where the evidence was he replied there is none and not to mention I have been offline for days. Blazin_Ninja asked around and many of the guards agreed with him. My original ban title was yy which has no meaning at all... Silas changed it after receiving numerous complaints. Zeiden refused to answer Blazins questions as well.  I will post all the ss I have hopefully you guys also see this is abuse. Thanks Wamobros519  illuminati
*** Hopefully you all see this is abuse and will speak up so this can't happen to you!!

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Pretty sure Silas cant abuse on his own server, he has the right to do pretty much anything he wants.




[Mod] at Minecraft Community Prison
Stay Classy
ITS HIS OWN FUCKING SERVER YOU DUMBASS nope.jpeg FeelsBadMan.jpeg FeelsBadMan.jpeg FeelsBadMan.jpeg emotRIP


//[Image: KSuhqwo.png]
(Feb 14th, 2016, 09:51 PM)Coolskate2449 link Wrote: ITS HIS OWN FUCKING SERVER YOU DUMBASS nope.jpeg FeelsBadMan.jpeg FeelsBadMan.jpeg FeelsBadMan.jpeg emotRIP
god damnit take a chill pill.


[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
Holy shitpost batman.

[Image: ImpoliteSinfulBuzzard.gif]

For starters embed your images.

Secondly, you were banned a few days ago by Zeedin as a result of you scamming as seen in this post: http://forums.cdgs.net/index.php/topic,3327.0.html
Normally an offense like this would have resulted in only a tempban, however you previously tried to trick me and Zeedin to get Baron when we were having the rank issues.

Thirdly, I own the server and run it as a hobby. Generally I treat all players with respect, listen to everyone and try to have a good time. I rarely "abuse" other than having a good time and faffing about with players who know it's all for fun. So I truly never offend or ban people without reason. Your ban was completely valid, if it was not you'd be unbanned.

Fourth, you've been banned "Scamming" since yesterday when the report was made. Only today a Staff member rebanned you, as a mistake when he went to ban your brother Claywamo for bypassing a ban since you share a connection. However this staff member accidentally rebanned you instead of your brother. I assume it was your brother who was just banned so I went and unbanned you. Realizing you should not have been unbanned I rebanned you quickly for "yy" due to me being busy. I corrected this when you brother bitched at me assuming you were just banned unfairly, when you were actually just being rebanned due to an accidental unban.

Fifth, Zeedin was busy so he did not refuse to answer you.

Sixth, I've been very understanding of your brothers situation so don't push it when you were rightfully banned.

Seventh, as I am the owner of this server I can say without reason: Stay the fuck off my server. However I usually only do that to avid trouble making shitposters as yourself.


[Image: pzv5j7l.jpg]


-James Cameron
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Born too late to explore the earth, born too soon to explore the galaxy. Born just in time to гคเรє ๓ץ ๔๏ภﻮєг ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Yea I banned your bother as Silas said I thought you were trying to avoid ban but it was actually your brother so I'll take the blame for that.


[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
If this ban was in response to the Esspie scam i will happily pay it back -love this server would hate to never get to play again please unban  FeelsBadMan.jpeg

-Wamobros519  snoopdawg


Guys, let's all take notice that these are actually real screenshots. He didn't photoshop again! Great job Claywamo! You got screenshots of you asking people questions! Let's all ban Silas from his own server!  facepalming Claywamo... Take you and your "brothers" and stop spamming the forums with reports and ban appeals, you're not coming back.  nope.jpeg


I mı̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̸̨ade you wipe your screen.

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