xXFirePvPXx_ Scamming
Your IGN: b_bob58
Offender's? IGN: xXFirePvPXx_
Offender's? rank: Free (E before the scam took place)
What the hacker was doing: He said he would give me a set of protection 10 unbreaking 10 iron armor for 135k yet when I paid him he gave me a set of iron crate armor.
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: (Include date and timezone): 3:42PM EST
Proof: (insert an image or video here, MAKE SURE TO EMBED THE IMAGE IN THE PAGE OR NOTHING WILL BE DONE.)
[Image: 1j3jlWH.png]
[Image: hX2s18D.png]
[Image: DDE3zlY.png]
[Image: XY6oocz.png]
[Image: t2kXGf4.png]
[Image: YcN72jf.png]
Additional info: He ranked up immediately after the scam. This is what I call a sad, sad story.


[Image: user1-light.png]
I convinced him to give back $35,000, I will give back the armor and all of this will be resolved if he can get the other 100k back.


[Image: user1-light.png]

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