Agent_Dash v3
Your IGN: Volkov
Abuser?s IGN: Agent_Dash
Abuser?s rank: C-Guard
What the abuser was doing: Not calling for swords/bow
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 3:25 Central
Proof: (insert an image or video here)



Additional info: /this was after he let CAM die 10-12 times while refusing to come help him in C.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
Might wanna fix the YouTube links Mit. Clearly I am not fit to be a guard and I am better at the survival and building aspect of the game rather then PvPing tons of OP people with crap guard stuff. I suck as a guard which is why I asked Silas to let me be Citizen again.  GG


Me: So Link showed me an old forum post where you say you wouldn't mind selling the server and he want's to buy it from you XD

Silas: I would never sell the server to a little shit fuck like him

Don't worry, "bout a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright - Bob Marley

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