mrman1125 Inappropriate Building
Your IGN: UHC_Koolkid
Offender's? IGN: mrman1125
Offender's? rank: B
What the offender was doing: He made a wall to block C mine, then he put on the wall the word f*ck I asked him what he was trying to spell and he said F*ck
What server this was on: CDGS Community prison.
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) 7/6/2017 About 3:30pm EST
Additional info:
Screenies won't even load for me
+1 Was also being annoying after this


[Image: 0Xy4rwK.jpg]

[Image: lpFQ2b2.jpg]
They have been given a 1 day ban for griefing the mine in a very uncreative manner of a 7 year old.

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