MegaMall robbed of 2 mil worth of items
Your IGN:Ibalisticbear24
Offender's? IGN:- unknown although there are suspects
anyone else who was added to my plot
Offender's? rank:free, citizen, baron
What the offender was doing: Stealing items from my rares display poking through my chests taking items and taking chest shop stock
What server this was on:MCP
When this happened: 17/04/2017 I noticed around 4:00 pm GMT
Proof: [Image: 90CMf]
[Image: 5P85f]
[Image: MQmnb]
[Image: KMQRN]
Additional info: Missing items:
dragon egg
dvger blade
crate sword (diamond)
crate sword( iron) x2
Diamond p4 full set x3
netherworld set x1
around 10 of each crate worth of items
around 2 mil of items

Unique items:
leather set of p4 green all damaged
even laser
throw shovel
and a lot more
if any wardens or opped staff could inspect the suspects inventorys or find out if they have taken my stuff
This event has made me feel sad as I put so much effort into making a great service and now most of it is gone
megamall is now closed for inspection
and some of my newspaper interviews and prototypes have gone missing too
whoever did this should be ashamed of themselves


Don't Hate
Not much staff can do. Don't add people to your plot is all I can say.


Oldest lasting player that isn't a staff member currently
As odd said nothing you can do. I asked serrian and he also said nothing he could do. I would sayou don't show of all your rare items


[Image: 0Xy4rwK.jpg]

[Image: lpFQ2b2.jpg]
Not a lot that can be done without any proof and take this as a harsh lesson, don't add people to your plots. This is almost impossible to prove that you both had and owned the items and that any person now with them wasn't given them or had their own.

It was a nice idea you had and its a shame someone had to be an ass and stole the items. Also note that item frames and armour stands can be buggy and things can be glitched off, so they really shouldn't  be used for display purpose without knowing the risks.

Although if visklye and themobster or anyone else have anything to return they should do it ASAP.
But surely you could investigate in the suspects look through the chests for unique items and catch the Thief?


Don't Hate
If visklye or anyone else have anything to return (talking to you mobster!) there is a chest and hopper outside the door of my mall


Don't Hate
I don't have anything to return, and I didn't take anything from you.


[Image: w0nB0qd.png]
I think I know what you mean by me and mobster being suspicious. Yesterday at his cy plot, mob was throwing out loads of iron crate armour and I went and picked em up(I picked up a standard guard bow btw). Idk where he got it, but it's probably from his kills or something. -Visklye


[Image: w0nB0qd.png]
Ok there are a lot of accusation being brought up against me. Not sure if you are talking about themobster01 or themobster00 (me). For one I don't have access to your mega and all the stuff I was throwing out of my plot was from killing guards and random people. I got the guard bow from killing a guard. Watch where you are point fingers. Anymore question, let me know.
Not trying to point fingers, I don't think mobster was even added to the plot. I was just explaining rainbows accusation towards my "suspicious behaviour". There are two mobsters?!?!?


[Image: w0nB0qd.png]

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