You can get one the cat walk useing the bounce pads
Because I'm the good player of MCP I have decided to report this bug. With enough dedication you can get one the cat walk with the bonce pads

What is the bug: Bounce pad glitch, Were you can get onto the cat walk

Where is this bug located: Court yards

How can we recreate it: Hard to show you, I can show people is the want.


I did not abuse this bug as you can't open chest/doors
This is not a bug, more or less an exploitation. The jump pads are a temporary thing nor does accessing the cat walk have any game breaking mechanics.  Kappa
I also heavily advise locking this post as nothing will come of it and wish to avoid another meaningless outburst, which seems to be the common theme on the forums now.


" If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."-
Dr. Emmett Brown
Pretty sure the guard locations connected to the cat walk are all world guarded. But good looking out  Kappa


[Image: eL04gJk.png]
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Not a bug and is known, this is part of the server role play and if you are caught on the catwalk then guards can/should jail you accordingly.
ok, locked

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