NCNinDO's racist comment
Offender's? IGN: NCninDO
Offender's? rank: B
What the offender was doing: he made a racist comment on a players name
What server this was on: CDGS prison
When this happened: 25th feb 2017 at roughly 1.00pm  AEST
Additional info: i believe this player should be banned indefinitely because of this comment. This player has obviously not read the rules. The reason i have posted this is because normally  know one listens to this kind of thing. This is a racist comment and it should result in a banned

please listen to what i am trying to say this is very much not expectable.

I would all so like to say that if 'anyone' sees racism or abuse on the server to tell a staff member or make a report.

thank you for reading my report on NCNinDO's racist comment
Upload the full non-cropted photo of the screenshot please


[Image: 4d717fc0b4cfe6b111211563167db00f.png]
i did command shift 4 not a screenshot
you need to have the full screen picture =(


[Image: 9aabf691e1dff868f2587373a1555d92.png]

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