boss_wolf890 xraying
Your IGN: themobster00
Offender's? IGN: boss_wolf890
Offender's? rank: free
What the offender was doing: xraying spawners for points
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: (Include date and timezone) Feb8-10 est.
Proof: Ok I have been personally following him in free for like 5-6 hours. I was able to come up with some cords which you can go to and block check and see that they are holes right down to a spawner. He was able to get 500 points in only 2 days. The following are only the ones I was able to watch him do, who knows how many more he xrayed. Please take the time to go through them all as it took me very long to find enough evidence to even make a post. If you have absolutly any questions I will gladly be able to answer them. As always thank you for your time
X Cord,Y Cord

He was dodging my question about where he got all the points from, and then logged off. He said he wanted a fair trial and said he was upset someone "framed" him. No Free rank is gonna give away crates for free. Anyway, I'm with Mob on this one, and I'm gonna tempban bosswolf for 6 hours. I don't know exactly who he gave crates to, but this was around 9:45pm EST.

It's funny because you have the time to follow a guy for that long lol.


[Image: eL04gJk.png]
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Sorry, next time I won't try to gather proof on a hacker.  Kappa FeelsBadMan.jpeg
Thanks for the report Mobster, going to leave this decision for perma ban up to Bagel.


IGN: boss_wolf890.
Who banned you? themobster00/bagel.
When were you banned: February 11, 2017 at around 12:00
Why were you banned? X-Ray.
Are you at fault? Without a doubt.
What was your rank on MCP? Free.
Why should we unban you? ...I know what I did was incorrect to say the least, and that what I did was and shall forever be unforgivable. But I have a question for you, the people. Do you think even the worst person can change? because I know iv'e seen so much of it in the servers, and sometimes it was for the better. Getting back on topic here I believe that someone as horrible and terrible like me, with the correct guidance and help, I can change for the better.
Additional info: I understand if you ban me forever from the server and keep it that way until the end of time itself, but If you do let me back on I will try a different route, one that is not the cheaters way, but the fun and fair way. In addition, if you all remember a certain someone who reported me once committed a crime here as well and was a convicted player, and that act of crime he did was advent. Now if you may pay close attention to this next part it will almost be over. You see him and his "right hand man account" have both done this and have gotten banned, but when they had a change of heart they gut unbanned. So I leave this up to you Bagel thief, if someone like Themobster00 and Monkey_buiz can change, then surely I deserve a second change under careful watch and restricted areas for at least 1 month. But if my fate is sealed, and you do ban me for what I did, then I understand, themobster00 is pretty popular with his friends and I don't have any so far on the server that can help me out or that can at least talk to me like a human being. Thank you for you time, everyone, to listen to a helpless man being dog pilled on for asking for a second chance that 2 players got for doing a crime.
After being Unbanned...

[Image: Gr9lQux.png] [Image: NbvCeDn.png] [Image: f67wWxv.png]


" If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 miles per hour... you're gonna see some serious shit."-
Dr. Emmett Brown
Yeah.... this kid's getting perma banned. Thanks for the extra proof Serri.


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