Killsz - Auto Farm Script
Your IGN: AldronAran
Offender's? IGN: killsz
Offender's? rank: Free
What the offender was doing: Using a script to kill cows in E farm and auto path to new ones.
What server this was on: MCP
When this happened: 12/14/16 - 9:00AM PST
[Image: 5b5b5741f77293245ed8fa5270164c34.gif]
    Additional info: Sorry for the poor angle, hard to do with Gyazo capture. Talk to Ewko though, he watched him for quite a while. No matter how many times we said his name in chat or talked about him, never once did he respond. He was constantly pathing to the nearest cow with perfect accuracy all the while being AFK. After a while he was unable to even kill the cows though, some glitch in his script probably, which would leave him stuck in front of a cow, endlessly swinging his sword while switching between his sword slot and the next slot over (this is just barely visible at the start and very end of the GIF), that is until someone came and killed it for him. In the GIF, you see him stuck trying to kill a cow, then immediately switch to another after Ewko kills it. At the end of his path however, just before he disappears behind the tree, he erratically switches between two entities as they move in and out of his "nearest mob zone" (the cow over the hedge, and another out of our view). I again apologize for the poor angle, however as I went to collect another GIF, the server reset and sent us into the Server Hub, where he stayed because he was AFK.


-Wisdom is a rare treasure and should be given sparingly, for the true prize is knowledge, gained by one's own experience.-

[Image: 5082afb33a3358569e1763040f96bff5.png]
10/10 would ban

done thanks for reporting


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