A bug/issue
At the taverns were they have the jukebox that opens the piston people are taking the disc and not putting it back. This is a issue Because I gave a new member a tour today and I could not give then the full tour because there was no disc. I just ask if there is a possible was you can click a button or something like that just so its fair to all people.
                                                                                      Thanks: Koolkid12
To my knowledge you were suppose to use your own disk, which is what I've done every time I've used it, but if not you can easily obtain a disk in the citizen shop for 15000 I believe is the price.


It's not a beginning at all. Tonight is an ending.
Also you can use weaponized disks and you do not need to leave it in the jukebox. Simply put the disk in and take it back out and the door will be open long enough to go through.

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