Racism Specification
So after some recent incidents around Racism I updated the Moderator rules.
The summary is that we want everyone to feel comfortable on the server. Racist terms are not allowed under circumstances. Just because you might not find them offensive does not mean anyone else won't. There is detailed information below that has been added to the Moderator rules. Little compromise has been made but everyone not incredibly ignorant should be fine with them.

Feedback is welcome, but these rules will likely stay.

There are two kinds of "Racism" on the server.
The first being intentionally racist statements that are insulting to a race/religion/ethnicity. This kind of racism is very straight forward and can be punished strictly.
Other racism is known as "Racist terms". This is for terms that may be offensive to some individuals race/heritage. For example, some claim to be fine with terms such as "Nigga" or "Chink" but it simply comes down to the fact that not everyone is. As a result words/terms like this are not allowed in any way. This includes song lyrics, greetings, explanations of rules, or really any way the terms may be used. There is no reason to not follow this simple rule but since not everyone treats these terms/words as offensive they must be given a warning first.

For Intentional Racism:
  1. A one day temp ban as racism is not tolerated.
  2. A three day temp ban for a second offense.
  3. A permanent ban.

For Racist Terms:
  1. An explanation must be given to the offender that these terms are banned as they may offend someone. This is a one time warning. (If a user is a smart ass and tries to claim other random things offend them then just temporarily ban them for a day)
  2. If a user continues to use racist terms after being given a warning they may be temporarily banned for a day. Experienced users are clearly aware of this rule and need no warning so they may be temporarily banned without one.
  3. Upon a third offense a user may be temporarily banned for three days.
  4. Final punishment is for if the user offends yet again. They have been clearly warned and chose to violate the rules. The punishment is a permanent ban.



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