A2 Not doing his job???
Ok before I show images, many times i've seen guards such as polardog, moon call for help while in a pvp battle. And  everytime A2 is nowhere to be found. I understand A2 Is a high donating player on the server so no ones going to give a crap about this post. So basically to explain before you look at the images, 2 people said racial slurs and a2 did nothing but "warn" them but when one of my other friends said that they got banned without any warnings. He said because there new to the server, that doesn't matter because they still should have read the rules first thing? Also they were rank free so new players? I don't think so. They also said a bunch of rude remarks to me and A2 didn't co them.  I'm sick and tired of the fact he can do anything he wants: http://imgur.com/a/gt22y


[Image: 7q259kc.png?1]
(Jun 4th, 2016, 10:15 PM)HaZardZ321730 link Wrote: Ok before I show images, many times i've seen guards such as polardog, moon call for help while in a pvp battle. And  everytime A2 is nowhere to be found. I understand A2 Is a high donating player on the server so no ones going to give a crap about this post. So basically to explain before you look at the images, 2 people said racial slurs and a2 did nothing but "warn" them but when one of my other friends said that they got banned without any warnings. He said because there new to the server, that doesn't matter because they still should have read the rules first thing? Also they were rank free so new players? I don't think so. They also said a bunch of rude remarks to me and A2 didn't co them.  I'm sick and tired of the fact he can do anything he wants: http://imgur.com/a/gt22y
Well, this just proves that this non-deserving staff member can arbitrarily make judgement calls and quote "rules" to his favor. I had apologized for poking fun at him after the Wyld_ incident, but after seeing this I have no respect for anything A2 does. Eventually people will stop wanting to participate in the server due to his constant BS. I motion to have A2 demoted. How many ppl must agree to make it happen?
Please use the correct format.


[Image: mkBL7zX.png]
[Image: 3f2d36868b5f5bd4e6f50be87a33e298.png]
Another very valid report using the very correct format.


not even gonna waste my time i know you will never get demoted even tho u wrong all the time.


[Image: 7q259kc.png?1]
Sometimes A2 does a great job, I'll give him that, but a few days ago I was dicking around and broke out of the map.  Hit a teleport sign that was supposed to take me to one of the old CDGS maps.  Ended up just killing me, but Madison(Might have been a different mod) and A2 saw I had been smited and were surprised.  I asked what was up, and A2 told me congrats for getting out of the map.  Now, me being the smartass I am (and being in a particularly pissed off mood that day) , poked at why it was ok for me to get out of jail like that.  I guess I was kinda a dick about it because he gave me a 24-hour ban for something he had previously found amusing.
(Jun 4th, 2016, 11:26 PM)mb733 link Wrote: Sometimes A2 does a great job, I'll give him that, but a few days ago I was dicking around and broke out of the map.  Hit a teleport sign that was supposed to take me to one of the old CDGS maps.  Ended up just killing me, but Madison(Might have been a different mod) and A2 saw I had been smited and were surprised.  I asked what was up, and A2 told me congrats for getting out of the map.  Now, me being the smartass I am (and being in a particularly pissed off mood that day) , poked at why it was ok for me to get out of jail like that.  I guess I was kinda a dick about it because he gave me a 24-hour ban for something he had previously found amusing.

It was me that banned you smart stuff.


This report is not in the correct format.

Chat rules are specifically stated as "guidelines" as staff members can call things they feel need to be called.
A2 actually behaved as encouraged in this situation. It is good to give new players warnings, to make his reaction in this situation even better the players he gave the warnings to were former Convicted prison players who were not aware of this rule since Convicted previously allowed swearing.

This report is completely invalid.


(Jun 4th, 2016, 10:15 PM)HaZardZ321730 link Wrote: Ok before I show images, many times i've seen guards such as polardog, moon call for help while in a pvp battle. And  everytime A2 is nowhere to be found.

I have never even asked A2 for help in a pvp battle because they all so far have occured while he is not even online, neither have I seen him not help out during a fight. Therefore that's a lie.
A2 is a good guard, he is a good player, it is just that every now and then he takes random bs into his own hands and makes a rash decision. Sometimes he even favors other players into calling chat offenses, no one is perfect but there  is room for improvement


LSI: http://forums.cdgs.net/index.php/topic,3689.0.html
[Image: eL04gJk.png]
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