polardog11 abuse
Your IGN:NBTGaming
Abuser?s IGN: Polardog11
Abuser?s rank: C-Guard
What the abuser was doing: He jailed me for having a sword when i did not/
When this happened: (Include date and timezone)6:40 EST.
Proof: ([Image: geA1bc5.png])
[Image: dhl88oO.png]
[Image: S17Wb8a.jpg]
Additional info: Pics of him counting down, then jailing me for Sword, then me not having a sword in jail where you cant drop items.
I jailed you for a sword. you clearly had one and Jereh was with me and saw you too. I stand by my decision 100%.


[Image: xOQgMsI.png]
can u see the pics?

You banked it. Plus there is an empty slot in your hot bar where your sword would be.


[Image: xOQgMsI.png]
(May 20th, 2016, 03:56 PM)polardog11 link Wrote: You banked it. Plus there is an empty slot in your hot bar where your sword would be.

How could you know where a sword would go in my inv? And i did not bank anything, as you did not see me go into any chest and i did not.
Dude you walked into the bank as I counted. I am not going to keep arguing I did my job and jailed you for having a sword end of story.


[Image: xOQgMsI.png]
I was there while NBT was fighting with polar as i joined the fight nbt safezoned shortly after into the bank room where he probably stored his sword either to try scare polar into unjailing him so he doesnt have to wait the time or to try get him demoted for no reason other than to be a dick , as in his pictures there is no reason for slot 1 in his inventory to be empty as that is also the slot most people would put there sword
Its hsis first day , you more than likely did this just to be a dick to the new guard. Give the dude a break.


(May 20th, 2016, 04:08 PM)Jereh link Wrote: I was there while NBT was fighting with polar as i joined the fight nbt safezoned shortly after into the bank room where he probably stored his sword either to try scare polar into unjailing him so he doesnt have to wait the time or to try get him demoted for no reason other than to be a dick , as in his pictures there is no reason for slot 1 in his inventory to be empty as that is also the slot most people would put there sword

so u did not see me store it yet you say i did LOL. you say "probably stored", then "where most people would put there sword".  sounds like ur trying to get polar out of trouble.
It's fully possible to make an item in jail "disappear" and become phantom.

Also it's his first day as guard, nothing will come from this.



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