Mar 29th, 2016, 11:11 AM
IGN: DeathTrap1255
Who banned you? "Console" That's what it says
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 12:01:59 AM 26th March 2016
Why were you banned? Racism
Are you at fault? Yes
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? Because I was not trying to be racist nor was I trying to offend anyone as of what I said and I will not be saying that again.
Additional info: I Sowy And I Want To Come Back Ples
Who banned you? "Console" That's what it says
When were you banned? (Time/Date) 12:01:59 AM 26th March 2016
Why were you banned? Racism
Are you at fault? Yes
What was your rank on MCP? Citizen
Why should we unban you? Because I was not trying to be racist nor was I trying to offend anyone as of what I said and I will not be saying that again.
Additional info: I Sowy And I Want To Come Back Ples